
Contact Information


The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County is responsible for the planning, funding and monitoring of public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery services delivered to the residents of Cuyahoga County.


2012 West 25th Street, 6th Floor
Cleveland OH 44113

Phone: 216-241-3400

Bellefaire JCB

Bellefaire JCB’s Mentoring Program provides high quality, one-to-one mentoring services to young people ages 10-21 in permanent custody of the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

Bellefaire JCB

22001 Fairmount Blvd.
Cleveland Ohio 44118

Cleveland Angels


Cleveland Angels

25935 Detroit Road, PMB 220
Cleveland Ohio 44145

Courthouse Square

Courthouse Square

310 West Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland OH 44113

Cuyahoga County Board of Elections


Cuyahoga County Board of Elections

2925 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115

Phone: 216-443-8683

Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department


Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department

1215 West 3rd Street
Cleveland Ohio 44113

Phone: 216-443-6000

Cuyahoga Job and Family Services

Cuyahoga Job and Family Services promotes economic self-sufficiency and personal responsibility for families and individuals by timely and accurately determining eligibility for a range of quality services that include Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC), Child Care Assistance, and Work Programs, in accordance with Federal, State, and County regulations.

Cuyahoga Job and Family Services

1641 Payne Avenue
Cleveland OH 44114

Need to apply, renew, report changes or have questions about your public benefits? Call 1-844-640-OHIO (6446) or log on to

Division of Children and Family Services

The Division of Children and Family Services assures that children at risk of abuse or neglect are protected and nurtured within a family and with the support of the community. Safety, permanency, and well-being are the goals for every child and family we encounter.

Division of Children and Family Services

3955 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115

Phone: 216-431-4500
Fax: 216-432-5047

Division of Children and Family Services Outreach

The Division of Children and Family Services assures that children at risk of abuse or neglect are protected and nurtured within a family and with the support of the community. Safety, permanency, and well-being are the goals for every child and family we encounter.

Division of Children and Family Services Outreach

3955 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115

Phone: 216-881-4150



Division of Senior and Adult Services

Division of Senior and Adult Services serves to empower seniors and adults with disabilities to age successfully by providing resources and support that preserve their independence.

Division of Senior and Adult Services

13815 Kinsman Road
Cleveland OH 44120

DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700

Domestic Relations Court


Domestic Relations Court

1 W. Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44113

Phone: 216-443-8800

Family and Children First Council


Family and Children First Council

8111 Quincy Avenue
Cleveland OH 44104

Phone: 216-698-2875
Fax: 216-698-2870

Fatherhood Initiative

The Fatherhood Initiative seeks to strengthen families in our community by encouraging fathers to play a more active role in nurturing and raising their children. It also responds to escalating social concerns.

Fatherhood Initiative

1640 Superior Avenue, Suite 80
Cleveland OH 44114

Phone: 216-348-3967
Fax: 216-443-7276

Health and Human Services

Health and Human Services

3955 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115

Phone: 216-881-5554

Invest in Children

Invest in Children mobilizes resources and energy to ensure the well-being of all young children in Cuyahoga County, provide supportive services to parents and caregivers, and build awareness, momentum, and advocacy in the community around children and family issues.

Invest in Children

6393 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 105
Independence OH 44131

Phone: 216-698-2215

Jane Edna Hunter Building

Jane Edna Hunter Building

3955 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44115

Juvenile Court


Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court

9300 Quincy Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44106

Phone: 216-443-8400

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

Legal Aid's mission is to secure justice and resolve fundamental problems for those who are low income and vulnerable by providing high quality legal services and working for systemic solutions.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

1223 W. Sixth Street
Cleveland Ohio 44113

Phone: 216-687-1900

Neighborhood Family Service Center - Virgil E. Brown

NFSC - Virgil E. Brown

1641 Payne Ave.
Cleveland Ohio 44114


North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center

North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center

1834 East 55th Street
Cleveland OH 44103


Office of Child Support Services

The Office of Child Support Services can provide the following: maintain child support records, establish and modifying support orders, initiate wage withholding, attach wages, bank accounts, unemployment benefits, government retirement checks, federal and state income tax refunds and bonus benefits, assist in establishing paternity through genetic testing, locate absent parents responsible for support, and assist in the enforcement of orders pertaining to health insurance.

Office of Child Support Services

1640 Superior Avenue
Cleveland OH 44114

Phone: 216-443-5100
Fax: 216-515-8484

Office of Homeless Services

The Office of Homeless Services coordinates a continuum of care of prevention, shelter services and permanent supportive housing intended to prevent and reduce homelessness.

Office of Homeless Services

310 West Lakeside Avenue, Suite 195
Cleveland OH 44113

Office of Reentry

The Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry’s mission is to remove the stigma and social burdens that challenge returning citizens by launching and sustaining a reentry movement that provides the full range of comprehensive services, support, and monitoring opportunities needed for a successful reintegration.

Office of Reentry

4261 Fulton Parkway
Cleveland OH 44144

Phone: 216-698-3437
Fax: 216-698-2964

Starting Point

Starting Point

4600 Euclid Ave., 5th floor
Cleveland Ohio 44103

Virgil E. Brown Building - Payne

Virgil E. Brown Building

1641 Payne Avenue
Cleveland OH 44114

Virgil E. Brown Building - Superior

Virgil E. Brown Building

1640 Superior Avenue
Cleveland OH 44114

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