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Cuyahoga County Warns of Spike in SNAP Benefit Thefts

Media Contact:
Jennifer Ciaccia: (216) 250-5863;


Hundreds of victims report thefts via card “skimming”

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - The Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is alerting residents about a spike in electronic theft of benefits or card “skimming”. The HHS Investigations Division has received close to 400 reports of electronic benefits theft of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits since February.

Card skimming occurs when a device is placed over a card reader to copy information contained on the card. Once the card information is copied, benefits can be taken electronically from the card by criminals.

If you are the victim of public benefits theft:

Protect your benefits:

  • Download the ConnectEBT app to your phone. You can then easily lock and unlock your benefits card, keeping it locked when not in use.
  • Visit the County’s Health and Human Services website for tips on keeping your electronic benefits safe.

“It is important that victims of theft of public benefits report the incidents to Cuyahoga Job and Family Services,” said Amanda Jones, Manager of the HHS Investigations Division. “Reporting helps state and federal authorities to investigate these crimes and protect customers.”