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Child Fatality Review Board

The Cuyahoga County Child Fatality Review Board is funded by the county's Office of Early Childhood and conducts individual case reviews of all deaths of children less than 18 years old. The board makes recommendations to develop community-based prevention strategies, and helps maintain links between the various provider agencies in the county. This important process is required of all counties by the Ohio Revised Code, and Cuyahoga County's program is among the more developed programs in the state.  

The Case Review Process:

  • Identifies opportunities for prevention and service coordination.
  • Helps to better understands trend and contributing risk factors.
  • Uncovers barriers and gaps in services, and between provider systems.
  • Improves interagency communication and collaboration.
  • Reports final data to the federal government and the State of Ohio.


December 10, 2024 Update

View the newly released 2023 data here...




Prepared by the Case Western Reserve University Schubert Center for Child Studies, in coordination with community partners and child advocates

Too many children living in Cuyahoga County suffer from abuse or neglect. Even more alarming, the rate of confirmed abuse or neglect-related child deaths in Cuyahoga County is significantly higher than the national average. Black and brown children are disproportionately victimized and represented in these child abuse rates. A suspected history of child abuse or neglect and/or domestic violence in the home are among the top risk factors for child homicides, and yet these risk factors and other early warning signs are too often missed by providers.”

John G. Ladd , Program Officer, Invest in Children
Phone: 216-443-6583
Holly Galicki , Cuyahoga County Board of Health

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