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The Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Re-Entry Court

Implemented in 2007 and funded through the Office of Criminal Justice Services, the Cuyahoga County Reentry and Reintegration Program (e.g. Reentry Court) has a specialized docket presided over by Judge Nancy Margaret Russo. The REEP provides intensive programming and supervision to eligible offenders by preparing case plans that center on the specific offender’s needs such as education, employment, housing, substance abuse and mental health treatment.

Individuals are identified at sentencing and evaluated by REEP, prior to transport to a state prison. An individual can apply after becoming incarcerated and remaining in compliance with the judicial release requirements for the time they are required to serve.

The Process for Applying

To be considered for the program, an individual can either:

  1. File a REEP application through the Court’s website, in the prison through case managers, or via a letter addressed to Judge Nancy Margaret Russo; or
  2. File a pro se Motion for Judicial Release or have a legal professional complete the Motion for Judicial Release. Eligibility requirements are listed on the Reentry Court website.
Apply here


The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Veterans Treatment Court

The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas’ Veterans Treatment Court seeks to rehabilitate veterans and those with military experience suffering from substance use disorders by diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system and providing them with the tools to lead a more productive life.

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