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Medicaid auto-disenrollment postponed during pandemic

by Loren Genson , Program Officer, Cuyahoga Job and Family Services

In an effort to make sure no one loses access to their medical benefits during this criticalCounty Together We Thrive time, Cuyahoga County is implementing a number of policy changes designed to reduce the number of Medicaid discontinuances during the pandemic.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Ohio in March, there were 370,421 Cuyahoga County residents receiving Medicaid benefits. We understand the importance of maintaining medical coverage during these uncertain times.

The following policies and procedures have been revised to make applying for benefits easier and make sure current Medicaid recipients don’t lose coverage during the pandemic:

  • All renewals that were due beginning in March have been suspended and benefits will remain active through the health emergency even if the customer does not complete their renewal.
  • All automated discontinuances have been suspended until further notice.
  • Emails have been established so customers may submit verification via email. If submitting a verification via email, please be sure to send the verification as an attachment to the email, and not in the body of the message. Please also include your full name and either case number or social security number so the document can be easily added to your case.
    • Medicaid – Case verifications may be scanned and emailed.
    • Long Term Care – Case Verifications may be scanned and emailed.
There are three ways to apply for benefits while maintaining safe social distancing practices. You may apply over the phone, online, or use one of our safe and secure drop boxes (see list at right). Since April 1, 79 percent of customers who contacted Cuyahoga Job and Family Services by calling 1-844-640-OHIO to apply for Medicaid benefits received an eligibility determination while on the phone.

Applying for Benefits

You can visit the Ohio Benefits website to apply, check the status of your case, and apply for benefits.

Customers can call 1-844-640-OHIO (6446) to apply for SNAP, Medicaid and cash assistance between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may call anytime to check the status of your case or enroll in text alerts.

In Person:
Our lobbies are closed to the public, however you may drop off completed applications and verification at the drop boxes at the following locations:
  • Virgil E. Brown - 1641 Payne Ave.
  • Quincy Place - 8111 Quincy Ave.
  • Old Brooklyn - 4261 Fulton Parkway
  • Westshore Drop-Off Location - 9830 Lorain Ave.