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Help families and seniors in need on “Giving Tuesday Now”


Today marks Giving Tuesday Now, a global day of giving and unity in response to theoperation_cuyahogacares_logo COVID-19 pandemic.

Hundreds of local families and older adults are in need of support at this time, and the County’s Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) are stepping up to help through our Operation: Cuyahoga Cares program.

Operation: Cuyahoga Cares is a call to action to adopt a family, older adult, or adult with disabilities in need through a one-time, gift card donation for necessities – from hand soap to food.  Here’s how it works:

  • DCFS/DSAS staff will match donors with families or seniors who are who are being served by our agencies.
  • Donors are given basic information about their family or senior and what they need.
  • The donor can purchase gifts cards and send them to the agency either by mail or electronically.
  • DCFS/DSAS staff will ensure the gift cards get to the recipients and will notify the donors when the cards are received.
  • Everything is confidential.

We encourage you to join us in a wave of generosity, community engagement, and action for County residents affected by this crisis.

You can also help spread the word via social media using #OperationCuyahogaCares or #GivingTuesdayNow.