Cuyahoga Job and Family Services Prepares for SNAP Changes
Media Contact: Jennifer Ciaccia: (216) 250-5863;

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS) is preparing to add more staff in preparation for changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance benefits. The changes will take place in October.
There are two major changes:
- The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has filed a rule change that will increase the income threshold for SNAP eligibility to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The current level is 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Ohio will be transforming the SNAP Employment & Training (E&T) Program. Under the current program, recipients who are determined to be work-required are mandated to participate in a SNAP E&T Program to receive SNAP assistance. Beginning in October, the E&T program will be a voluntary program and will make SNAP E&T Programs available to SNAP recipients who choose to enroll in the program.
Cuyahoga Job and Family Services is taking a proactive approach to raise awareness, reduce barriers to program participation, and communicate information on work requirements for recipients determined to be able-bodied adults without dependents. A monthly messaging campaign was kicked off in June, which includes text messages and emails to able-bodied adults without dependents who are not currently assigned to a SNAP E&T program. The messages are focused on SNAP exemptions and reminders about the requirements for participation.\
Cuyahoga Job and Family Services is currently seeking Eligibility Specialists
Due to these changes, Cuyahoga Job and Family Services has been hiring more staff to be prepared for the potential increase in demand. “Our goal is to provide friendly and efficient access to benefits for Cuyahoga County residents,” said CJFS Director Kevin Gowan. “We are working to add more team members in preparation for the changes coming this fall.”
CJFS has hired 30 new eligibility specialists who are set to begin training at the end of July.
A new job posting for eligibility specialists is available online. You can view the posting here.