Cuyahoga County Welcome Center Opens to Public
Media Contact:
Jennifer Ciaccia: (216) 250-5863;
The County receives “Certified Welcoming” designation
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - Today, Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne announced the grand opening of the Cuyahoga County Welcome Center for immigrants, refugees, and those with limited English proficiency. The County will partner with outside service agencies such as Global Cleveland and Re:Source Cleveland to connect residents to resources, including housing, job support, educational services, legal support, and language services.
"Cuyahoga County is home to over 120 unique nationalities, and we are proud to be a place where we welcome, value, and support our immigrant and refugee population," said Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne. "The opening of the Cuyahoga County Welcome Center symbolizes the County's commitment to embracing diversity and encouraging and assisting new residents to make our region a permanent home."
In addition, Cuyahoga County received a "Certified Welcoming" designation from Welcoming America, becoming the second County and the fourth municipality in Ohio to receive the national recognition. Welcoming America formally recognizes cities and counties that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion.
"Building strong relationships with and between community members and newcomers is essential to truly welcoming communities," said Melissa Bertolo, Certified Welcoming senior director at Welcoming America. "We congratulate Cuyahoga County on the opening of its Welcome Center and hope it serves as a space for people of all backgrounds to connect and learn from one another."
"A top priority of my administration continues to be increasing opportunities and support for immigrants and refugees in Cuyahoga County. Today, we see these efforts materialize in the opening of the Welcome Center and receipt of the esteemed "Certified Welcoming" designation. Both accomplishments reflect our efforts to build bridges, foster understanding, and ensure everyone feels at home in Cuyahoga County," adds Executive Ronayne.