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Cuyahoga County, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Open Renovated Men's Shelter


Renovations Offer Additional Amenities, More Personal Space

CUYAHOGA COUNTY – Today, the Cuyahoga County Office of Homeless Services, in partnership with Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM), held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the opening of renovations to the Men's Shelter in Cleveland. The 14,000 square foot addition is attached to the original portion of the Men’s Shelter.  


In 2021, Cuyahoga County utilized $550,000 in CARES funding to purchase property located at 2020 Lakeside Avenue. The objective of the renovation project, supported by a $4.5 million investment of ARPA funds, has been to modernize the facility and provide a safe, healthy, dignified lodging experience for unhoused individuals. While the number of beds will not increase overall, the renovations provide more individual space and will eliminate the need to host men facing homelessness at off-site overflow shelters.   


“Cuyahoga County continues to innovate and invest in the effort to end homelessness,” said County Executive Chris Ronayne. “Through our ongoing partnerships with agencies like Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, we have created a transformative space that provides immediate support and stability. By connecting individuals to resources in a dignified, respectable manner, we hope to help them on their path to housing independence.”


The Men's Shelter, operated by LMM, is the largest men’s shelter in Ohio, providing services for up to 365 men each night. The renovated space is ADA accessible and will hold 114 beds in semi-private enclosures with lockers. The renovations also include updated office space for staff, improved shower facilities, as well as community gathering areas for clients. Phase 2 of the project includes updates to the 2100 facility. 


“As the operator of the largest shelter in the state for the last 19 years, LMM is a proud partner of Cuyahoga County,” said Maria Foschia, President & CEO of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry. “We share a mission to provide shelter and services, and the 2020 Lakeside location allows us to build an integrated campus by connecting it to 2100. The residents will have more space for safe de-concentration, and the dignity of more privacy, as we work with them on housing goals.” 


“The Men’s Shelter campus renovations are part of Cuyahoga County’s efforts to reduce the unsheltered population,” said Melissa Sirak, Director of Homeless Services for Cuyahoga County. “The facility will continue to provide resources and services to assist with permanent housing. In addition, the renovations serve as an investment in the Cuyahoga Continuum Strategic Plan furthering our efforts to improve the experience of persons in a housing crisis.”  

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Men's Shelter Ribbon Cutting