Thousands of Dads to Participate in Annual Fathers Walk
Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative Urges Father Figures to Walk Children to School
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative encourages fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and father figures to get involved in the new school year and show their support for education by walking their children to school. More than 100 schools are registered to participate in this year’s Fathers Walk, with more than 12-thousand men expected to participate in school districts all over Cuyahoga County.
“We are committed to helping fathers engage with their children and stress the positive impact that education can have on their lives,” said Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative Administrator Aldonis Grimes. “Research shows the involvement of a father figure is essential to promoting good classroom behavior, better grades, and higher levels of academic success.”
WHAT: Annual Cuyahoga County Father’s Walk
WHEN: Thursday, September 21
WHO: Fatherhood Initiative Administrator Aldonis Grimes will be available to speak to reporters at these schools and times:
Greenview Upper Elementary School
1825 South Green Road
South Euclid
TIME: 7:00 a.m.
Rowland Elementary School
4300 Bayard Road
South Euclid
TIME: 8:00 a.m.
Kenneth W Clement Boys Leadership Academy
14311 Woodworth Avenue
TIME: 8:45 a.m.
Stonebrook-White Montessori Campus
1000 E. 92 Street
TIME: 9:15 a.m.
Dike School of the Arts
2501 E. 61 Street
TIME: 9:45 a.m.
The Fathers Walk is part of a national movement that takes place every September to provide a demonstration of men’s visible proactive engagement in their children’s lives, create family support, and celebrate the value of education. Fathers escort their children to school and have an opportunity to meet teachers and administrators. Many schools use the event to further engage father figures by including breakfast, special workshops, or other initiatives.
The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative seeks to strengthen families by encouraging fathers to play a more active role in nurturing and raising their children. Fathers are provided with access to services and programs designed to help them meet the emotional, psychological, and financial needs of their children.
The Fathers Walk is sponsored by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative, Passages Inc., I Am a Dream, and the Healthy Fatherhood Collaborative.