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November is National Adoption Month

Media Contacts: Kelly Woodard, (216) 250-6146,
Deonna Kirkpatrick, (216) 647-2475,


Approximately 300 children in Cuyahoga County need a permanent family.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Hundreds of children in Cuyahoga County need a loving, permanent place to call home.

In recognition of National Adoption Month, Cuyahoga Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is raising awareness about the need for more adoptive families and shining a spotlight on adoption success stories.

This week, there are more than 900 children in the permanent care of Cuyahoga County. DCFS has potential families for approximately 600 children, but the remaining 300 still need a forever family. Cuyahoga County is encouraging more loving adults to explore adoption to make a lasting, positive impact on a child’s life.

“Adoption is a profound journey of hope and unconditional love,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne. “Raising awareness about adoption and the adoption process can result in the formation of new family bonds and the creation of stable and loving homes for these wonderful children.”

So far this year, DCFS has finalized 123 adoptions, with another 164 children placed with a family while they await finalization of the adoption process. Interested families can visit our Adoption Month website to learn the requirements to adopt a child.

“Every child deserves a family. When they can’t be reunified with their caregivers and when parental rights are terminated, we owe them a safe environment,” says Beverly Torres, Deputy Director of DCFS.

The greatest need is homes for teens, sibling groups, children with special medical or developmental needs, and youth who identify as LGBTQ+. These youth may linger in foster care longer and are at higher risk of aging out of foster care. Youth who age out of foster care are at higher risk for various adverse outcomes.

“Cuyahoga County firmly believes every child needs a family, regardless of age or condition,” adds Torres.

Visit for adoption resources and to view some of our children waiting for a family.