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Cuyahoga County Unveils Welcoming Initiatives for Newcomers

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne is proud to announce the County’s plans to increase opportunities and support for immigrants, refugees, and newcomers to the region. Cuyahoga County is currently in the process of becoming a “Certified Welcoming” community through Welcoming America, expected to be granted in fall 2023. 
“Certified Welcoming” is a national formal designation for cities and counties that have created policies and programs reflecting their values and commitment to immigrant inclusion. This innovative program assesses city and county governments on their efforts to include and welcome immigrants in all areas of civic, social, and economic life in their communities. With a Certified Welcoming designation, communities distinguish their local efforts, build a competitive advantage, and gain access to opportunities to share their welcoming practices on a regional, national, and global stage. 
“Cuyahoga County is proud to be home to more than 120 unique nationalities who start small businesses, build neighborhoods and enrich our region,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne. “We are proud to partner with local organizations to strengthen newcomer resources and connectivity so that they can grow and succeed here in their new home. This week is a reminder that we are a stronger and more vibrant community when we welcome and support those who come seeking a better life.” 
In addition, the Cuyahoga County Division of Health and Human Services plans to open a multi-service center that will partner with outside service agencies to work with individuals and families to identify specific needs. Clients will be connected to resources including workforce training, educational services, healthcare, legal support services, housing, public benefits access, and language services.
As Welcoming Week is celebrated across the United States, we recognize the great contributions that immigrants have made and continue to make to our nation and to Cuyahoga County. We continue to embrace our rich history and look forward to creating opportunities to diversify and culturally enrich our great region.