Cuyahoga County Fathers Walk to Draw Thousands
Janice Edwards, 216-443-5364;
Annual Walk Held September 23 Sponsored by Fatherhood Initiative
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Hundreds of fathers, stepfathers, and father figures will walk their children to school for Cuyahoga County’s annual Fathers Walk on Thursday, September 23, 2021. The Fathers Walk is a demonstration of men’s visible, proactive engagement in their children’s lives and creates family support and a celebration of education like no other event of its kind.
The Fathers Walk is part of a national event taking place during the first month of the school year by fathers in more than 750 cities throughout the United States. The event is simple--fathers escort their children to school by walking them to the door and have the opportunity to meet the principal and teachers.
“A father’s involvement in his children’s lives is very important,” said Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative Administrator Aldonis Grimes. “Research shows father involvement is essential to promoting good classroom behavior, better grades, and higher educational attainment levels.”
In addition to walking their children to school, fathers are encouraged to make a year-long commitment to dedicating themselves to family, supporting their children financially, spiritually, and emotionally, and building clean and healthy communities.
The Fathers Walk is sponsored by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative, Passages Inc., I Am a Dream, and the Healthy Fatherhood Collaborative.
For more information, please call 216-348-3967 or visit