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Cuyahoga County Celebrates Child Support Awareness Month

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Media Contact: Janice Edwards: (216) 443-5364;


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – August is Child Support Awareness Month. The State of Ohio and the Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) recognizes and brings awareness to the child support program and the professionals who help children and families thrive.

“I am especially grateful to the OCSS employees who partner with parents to create a family-centered child support program. The work we do throughout OCSS has a far-reaching impact on children and families in the community,” said Director Tiffany Dobbins- Brazelton. "An example of OCSS’s efforts includes the Fatherhood Initiative, a program designed to encourage fathers to play a more active role in nurturing and raising their children. To date, the Fatherhood Initiative has helped thousands of fathers and families."

Also, Cuyahoga County OCSS was recognized by the State of Ohio Office of Child Support for outstanding performance with the most improved collections on cases with arrears, and most improved collections on current support in Fiscal Year 2020 among major metropolitan counties.

In recognition of Child Support Awareness Month, Cuyahoga County will be celebrating the child support program throughout the month with special activities, such as a children’s coloring contest and sharing information about its services at the Cuyahoga County Fair.

The OCSS has enhanced services to customers with the availability of child support information via a new, free mobile app platform. The “Child Support” app offers secure and easy access to child support information on the go. For questions and more information on Child Support Awareness Month and OCSS visit