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Summer Utility Assistance Available for the County’s Older Adults

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Media contact: Deonna Kirkpatrick (216) 432-3342; 

Ohio’s Home Energy Assistance Program Now Accepting Applications

- Cuyahoga County is once again participating in a statewide program to assist older adults and adults with disabilities with their summer utility bills. Ohio’s 2021 Home Energy Assistance Program’s (HEAP) Summer Crisis Program (SCP) will provide eligible households with a one-time benefit to assist with electric utility bills, central air conditioning repairs, and air conditioning unit and/or fan purchases.

“We want older residents to know there is help as we move into the warmer months,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “No one should suffer through high summer temperatures without utilities to keep them cool and safe. This program helps keep the air on.”

The County’s Division of Senior and Adult Services partners with the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging as one of its Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC). Through this partnership, DSAS receives funding to provide residents ages 60 and over (or 18 to 59 with a disability) with assistance on HEAP and a variety of other programs to keep them safe and supported at home. Last summer, DSAS helped over 200 older adults with utility assistance.

The maximum benefit amounts for the 2021 program are $500 for customers of regulated utilities and $800 for customers of unregulated utilities (municipal utilities or cooperatives). Household income must be at or below 175-percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) and households must have at least one additional eligibility criteria listed below:
  • A household member who is age 60 or older
  • A household member has a documented medical condition verified by a licensed medical professional who is qualified under Ohio law to write prescriptions
  • A household member that was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 12 months may provide a written statement as proof of medical diagnosis.
  • A household’s electric utility has a disconnect notice, has been shut off, or new electric service is being established for the household.
  • As an additional benefit, households may also receive an air conditioning unit and/or fan or central air conditioning repairs, if the household can maintain electric service for 30 days. Households may receive the maximum utility assistance benefit towards their electric bill and still receive the additional benefit (i.e., central air conditioner repair, air conditioner unit, and/or fan). Air conditioning units and fans will only be provided to eligible customers who have not received one in the last three years.

The Summer Crisis Program will be open from July 1 to Sept. 30. For more information and application assistance, contact the Division of Senior and Adult Services at 216-420-6700 or visit