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Department of Health and Human Services Publishes 2020 Overview

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Deonna Kirkpatrick (216) 432-3342;

Annual report highlights work and initiatives of eight divisions

- Every year, the Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) publishes an overview of its progress and initiatives in serving our residents. The Department’s 2020 Overview takes a look at the many ways the agency’s eight divisions shifted work methods to keep the focus on serving the County’s children, families, older adults and adults with disabilities in need while responding to COVID-19 protocols to keep both residents and employees safe.

“The work we do throughout our human services divisions impacts every person in our county,” County Executive Armond Budish said. “We strengthen, support, and serve families, from those with infants who need day care to seniors who want to stay in their homes. Our work never stopped, and this report demonstrates results and dedication.”

“COVID-19 has changed the ways we live and work, and the Department of Health and Human Services has played a huge role in responding to the pandemic, working every day in the community, doing our job—even as that job has changed,”
said David Merriman, DHHS Director. “I am especially grateful for the essential workers who have continued to make in-person visits to ensure that our residents are safe and healthy. You are heroes in my mind.”

The 2020 Overview highlights DHHS’ accomplishments last year including:
The 2020 Overview can be accessed here. For questions about the Overview contact For more information on DHHS’ programs and services, visit