CJFS Makes Final Push to Issue COVID-19 Emergency Assistance
Media Contact:
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us
Tina Coleman: tina.coleman@jfs.ohio.gov
September 30 Deadline to Use Funds is Approaching
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - COVID-19 Emergency Assistance funds to help low to moderate income families impacted by COVID-19 with food, essential supplies, and housing costs will expire September 30, 2020. Families in need of rent or utility assistance, additional food, or essential supplies such as cleaning or hygiene products, or personal protective equipment because of COVID-19 should apply now by submitting a Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program application to Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS).
Due to the current state of emergency, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provided short-term assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to Cuyahoga County, which is being distributed through the PRC program.
“We have an opportunity to help our local families with increased food and cleaning supply costs, and housing expenses during the state of emergency with additional funding,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “We are continuing our efforts to inform as many families as possible about the COVID-19 PRC and need the help of our communities.”
Eligibility for the PRC program is limited to Cuyahoga County families that include a minor child, a pregnant individual, or a non-custodial parent of a minor child receiving Ohio Works First (OWF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and/or Medicaid whose income is at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty limit. Additional eligibility criteria apply.
“CJFS is working to process all COVID-19 PRC applications before the September 30th deadline,” stated CJFS Administrator Kevin Gowan. “CJFS will lose any funds that aren’t used, and we know there are families in our county that are in need.”
The application for the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance is the same application as the normal PRC program. It can be downloaded from the new Health and Human Services website at https://hhs.cuyahogacounty.us/, completed and submitted through email at Cuy-PRC-Application@jfs.ohio.gov. Applications can also be picked up and submitted in the secure drop box at our Virgil E. Brown building, Westshore Document Drop-Off Center, Quincy Place, and Jane Edna Hunter locations.
For questions, call the PRC Information Line at (216) 987-7392 and allow 48 hours for calls to be returned.
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us
Tina Coleman: tina.coleman@jfs.ohio.gov
September 30 Deadline to Use Funds is Approaching
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - COVID-19 Emergency Assistance funds to help low to moderate income families impacted by COVID-19 with food, essential supplies, and housing costs will expire September 30, 2020. Families in need of rent or utility assistance, additional food, or essential supplies such as cleaning or hygiene products, or personal protective equipment because of COVID-19 should apply now by submitting a Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program application to Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS).
Due to the current state of emergency, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provided short-term assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to Cuyahoga County, which is being distributed through the PRC program.
“We have an opportunity to help our local families with increased food and cleaning supply costs, and housing expenses during the state of emergency with additional funding,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “We are continuing our efforts to inform as many families as possible about the COVID-19 PRC and need the help of our communities.”
Eligibility for the PRC program is limited to Cuyahoga County families that include a minor child, a pregnant individual, or a non-custodial parent of a minor child receiving Ohio Works First (OWF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and/or Medicaid whose income is at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty limit. Additional eligibility criteria apply.
“CJFS is working to process all COVID-19 PRC applications before the September 30th deadline,” stated CJFS Administrator Kevin Gowan. “CJFS will lose any funds that aren’t used, and we know there are families in our county that are in need.”
The application for the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance is the same application as the normal PRC program. It can be downloaded from the new Health and Human Services website at https://hhs.cuyahogacounty.us/, completed and submitted through email at Cuy-PRC-Application@jfs.ohio.gov. Applications can also be picked up and submitted in the secure drop box at our Virgil E. Brown building, Westshore Document Drop-Off Center, Quincy Place, and Jane Edna Hunter locations.
For questions, call the PRC Information Line at (216) 987-7392 and allow 48 hours for calls to be returned.