CJFS Provides Emergency Assistance to Families Affected by COVID-19
Media contact:
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521; mlmadigan@cuyahogacounty.us
Tina Coleman: tina.coleman@jfs.ohio.gov
Local Retailers Needed to Accept Purchases
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Low to moderate income families impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for help with food, essential supplies and housing costs through emergency funding from the state. Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS) is accepting applications for assistance and looking for local stores that will accept payment from the county for items purchased through the program.
Due to the current state of emergency the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has provided $1,687,921.19 in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to Cuyahoga County for distribution through the CJFS Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program. The COVID-19 PRC fund is designated for TANF eligible families to temporarily to assist with vouchers for essential needs such as additional food, household cleaning products, self-care items, and housing costs.
With the help of Cuyahoga County Department of Development, CJFS has been able to identify local small businesses that sell the essential products allowable with the voucher. A commitment to accept the vouchers has already been received from Dave’s Supermarkets, Marc’s, and Save A Lot. We encourage community businesses to join CJFS in this venture and help serve Cuyahoga County residents.
“We have the opportunity to support our local small retail businesses while providing supportive services to eligible families in Cuyahoga County that have been effected by COVID-19,” said Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish. “We are asking retailers within Cuyahoga County to support the supply chain by accepting the PRC vouchers.”
Eligibility for the PRC program is limited to Cuyahoga County families that include a minor child, a pregnant individual, or a non-custodial parent of a minor child receiving Ohio Works First (OWF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and/or Medicaid. Citizenship, income and assets are reviewed for eligibility as well.
“CJFS has expanded the methods that applications for the PRC program can be submitted to provide the easiest access to the essentials that people need, while providing an opportunity for additional revenue to local businesses. We now need the support from local businesses as we issue the vouchers to eligible families," stated CJFS Administrator Kevin Gowan.
PRC applications can be downloaded at https://cjfs.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/PRC.aspx or picked up at a Neighborhood Family Service Center. Applications and verifications can be submitted by any of the following methods:
- Email - Submit as an attachment to Cuy-PRC-Application@jfs.ohio.gov.
- Neighborhood Family Service Center Drop Box
- Virgil E. Brown - 1641 Payne Ave.
- Old Brooklyn - 4261 Fulton Parkway
- Quincy Place - 8111 Quincy Ave.
- Westshore Opportunity Center Drop-Off Location - 9830 Lorain Avenue
- Fax - Submit to (216) 987-8655.
- Phone - Call (216) 987-7392 to leave a message. Calls are returned to complete an application.
Vendors interested in accepting the PRC vouchers can contact (216) 987-6757 for more information. To learn more about PRC and the application process, visit https://cjfs.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/PRC.aspx or call the PRC Information Line at (216) 987-7392 and leave a message.