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Thousands of Dads to Participate in Annual Fathers Walk

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Media Contact: Rochelle Beard: (216) 987-8430; 

 Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative and Community Partners Urge Father Figures to Show Support for Their Child's Education


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative invites fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and other father figures to get involved and show their support for education by walking their children to school. More than 200 schools are registered to participate in this year’s walk, with more than 15,000 men expected to participate in Cleveland, Shaker Heights, North Olmsted and cities all over Cuyahoga County.
WHAT:    Annual Cuyahoga County Fathers Walk
WHEN:    Thursday, September 19, 2019
WHERE: Greenview Upper Elementary School, 1825 S Green Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121
                  Michael R. White Elementary School, 1000 E 92nd St, Cleveland, OH 44108
                  Grant Elementary School, 1470 Victoria Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107
Many fathers take their children to school every day throughout the school year. On this day, they are encouraged to join other fathers in a visible, productive demonstration of encouragement for education for their children. The Fathers Walk creates family support and a celebration of education. Research shows father involvement is essential to promoting good classroom behavior, better grades and higher educational attainment levels.
“We are committed to helping fathers engage with their children and stress the importance of education to have a positive impact on their lives,” said Director of the Fatherhood Initiative, Al Grimes. “As a result, their involvement will also benefit our society.”
This event is part of a national event taking place during the first month of the school year by fathers in more than 750 cities throughout the United States. Each participating school will greet the fathers and share opportunities to be more involved in the school and education of their child. Some schools use the opportunity to further engage dads by including breakfast, special workshops, or other initiatives. The Fathers Walk is presented by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative, Passages, I Am A Dream and the Healthy Fathering Collaborative. Participants are encouraged to post pictures to social media using #FathersWalk and #NEOFathersWalk.
Father Figures:
Men participating in the walk should arrive at school 15-30 minutes before the starting bell for special greetings and activities at their school. Fathers are also asked to take a pledge to encourage and support their child’s education.
Employers are asked to allow fathers and other male caregivers to take time off work to accompany their children to school and help get the school year started right.
To register your school to participate in the walk, email or call