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Office of Child Support Services is Moving Families Forward

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Date: August 1, 2019

Media contact:  Rochelle Beard: (216) 987-8430;

CLEVELAND - Parents who owe child support can now enroll in the Families Forward Demonstration (FFD). With up to $6,000 in free job training, this program is offered for only a limited time.

The objective of the initiative is to test new strategies to integrate employment-focused approaches to increase the capacity of non-custodial parents to consistently make child support payments to improve the economic well-being of their children. FFD studies strategies that can improve the earning capacity, skill attainment and financial literacy of parents responsible for paying child support who have struggled to meet their financial obligations.

Tiffany Dobbins-Brazelton, Director for the Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services, notes that “Families Forward has the potential to enhance career development and economic stability for families and residents of Cuyahoga County. We are pleased to help parents access opportunities for growth and development that positively impacts their family.” The initiative is firmly aligned with Cuyahoga County goals for economic opportunity, where every resident is on a path to upward income mobility and career advancement.

Ohio is one of only four states selected to participate in the FFD. The Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services has been selected to participate in the program.

Families Forward is made possible through collaboration by MDRC, The Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services, the Ohio Office of Child Support, United States Office of Child Support Enforcement, and Towards Employment.

Are you looking to make a change in your career? No prior experience is needed for the free trainings. Families Forward links you to experts with connections to good jobs. Career tracks include:

  • Heavy tractor/truck driving (CDL)
  • IT Support (Comp TIA or MOS)
  • Computer Numeric Controller (CNC) Machinist
  • Customer Service