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Reentry Data

Across the United States, there are 2.3 million Americans in prison or jail. Despite Americans only making up 5 percent of the world’s total population, more than 25 percent of all world prisoners are located here in the United States.

Additionally, of all Americans who are incarcerated, 90 percent of them are held in state prisons and local jails, and a disproportionate number are African American men. In Ohio, at the end of fiscal year 2020, 19,584 African American men were incarcerated, out of a total Ohio state prison population of 42,249 inmates. Hence, Black men make up 46.3% of the state incarcerated population, while the overall Black population in Ohio is only 14.3 percent.

With such racial disproportionality in incarceration rates and a high incarceration rate both nationally and locally for all persons, it is important to collect and analyze data, evidence-based practices, and system reform initiatives to decrease recidivism. Hence, this website serves as a repository of local data statistics related to incarceration and recidivism rates in Cuyahoga County, and an online resource location for researching best practices within other areas of reentry.

Service System/Resources

Justice Housing/Community Development

Workforce/Economic Development


Data & Figures

Office of Reentry
4261 Fulton Parkway
Cleveland OH 44144

Phone: 216-698-3437
Fax: 216-698-2964

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