Livable Cuyahoga ... A Community For All Ages
We’re All Aging
Did you know that nearly 45 million Americans are age 65 or older? And that by 2030, that number will reach 73 million? By 2030, one of every five people in the U.S. will be 65 or older. We’ve been talking about the “New Majority” here in Cuyahoga County for a while now, with estimates indicating that close to 30% of our residents – over 400,000 -- will be 60 or over by 2030.
Successful aging is a life-long process, and DSAS believes that Cuyahoga County’s older adults should have opportunities, options and environments in which to stay active, engaged, and healthy. “Livable Communities” that provide connection, health and economic vitality contribute to our well-being in all stages of life.
A Community for All Ages
With this in mind, Cuyahoga County, led by the Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) is launching an exciting initiative that promotes these outcomes for our residents. We are joining hundreds of cities and counties across the nation in becoming an AARP “Livable Community.” This initiative supports counties, cities and towns in becoming great places for people of all ages.
“Livable Communities” make it their mission to provide safe, walkable streets; age-friendly housing and transportation options; access to needed services; and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community life. They do this by addressing “eight domains of livability” that influence the health and quality of life of for us as we age:
- Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
- Transportation
- Housing
- Social Participation
- Respect and Social Inclusion
- Work and Civic Engagement
- Communication and Information
- Community and Health Services
Becoming a “Livable Community”
Our "Livable Community" initiative is a comprehensive five-year process aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older adults and promoting healthy aging across Cuyahoga County. In partnership with the Center for Community Solutions and key community stakeholders, we embarked on this journey with a thorough assessment in the first year. This involved engaging community voices through focus groups and surveys to gather vital input and insights.
The culmination of this effort is the Livable Cuyahoga Needs Assessment Report, a foundational document that informs our vision and sets the course for the Livable Cuyahoga initiative. Based on these findings, we developed the Livable Cuyahoga Roadmap—an actionable plan designed to transform the county into a more livable community for people of all ages.
Currently, we are in the Plan Implementation and Evaluation phase, guided by the Livable Cuyahoga Advisory Council. This council, composed of leaders and advocates in senior services, oversees sub-committees dedicated to addressing specific domains. Together, they are actively working to implement the roadmap, one goal at a time, ensuring that Cuyahoga County becomes a more inclusive and supportive community for all its residents.
Livable Cuyahoga Next Steps
Get Involved!
“Livable Cuyahoga” is a community-wide project that relies on all of us in order to be successful. There are a number of ways you can help. You can complete our ‘Livable Cuyahoga’ assessment survey, letting us know what you love about our community, and what we need to do to continue to be a thriving locale for people as they age. You can help by sharing information about the “Livable Cuyahoga” initiative. You can sign up for updates, invite us to speak at your organization, or become a “Livable Cuyahoga” ambassador.
Together, we are building a community for all ages!
Cleveland OH 44120
DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700