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Elder Abuse Awareness Month

World Elder Abuse Awareness Logo

June 15 marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a time to recognize the importance of raising awareness about, preventing and reporting elder abuse. Older adults are valuable assets in our community.  They are our neighbors, parents, grandparents, friends and mentors, and they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. 


Unfortunately, some older adults do suffer from abuse -- physical, sexual, self-neglect, neglect and financial exploitation. In Cuyahoga County, we helped over 2,400 victims of elder abuse last year. National statistics say only 1 in 14 cases of abuse are reported.  Sadly, that means more elders are being abused, and it is not being reported.


Preventing elder abuse through improved social supports like senior centers, in-home services and transportation will help our older adults continue to live independently and contribute to the vibrancy of our community.  Reporting suspected abuse, scams and exploitation will help lift the veil of secrecy and shame that keeps older adults in harm’s way.


Join us in putting an end to elder abuse.  Spread the message in June by joining in the national Walk for WEAAD; taking the #WEAAD615 social media challenge; wearing purple on June 15; sharing our Red Flags of Abuse fact sheet; posting our " See It. Stop It. Report It." poster; sharing information about the events taking place; or attending an in-person or virtual seminar.  Our collective efforts help keep our eyes open and our elders safe.


You can call the DSAS Connection Center to report elder abuse 24-hours a day at 216-420-6700.  You can also report elder abuse online through the State’s APS web portal.  If you see it, stop it and report it.  We depend on you to help us keep our elders safe.



2023 Elder Abuse Awareness Activities

#WEAAD #WEAAD615 #WEAADCuyahoga #purplewednesdays


June 1-30

Wear Purple Fridays

Help create awareness by wearing purple and being social on every Friday in June! Send your pics to us for sharing on our social channels, or post your own and use the tags #WEAAD and #WEAADCuyahoga


June 1-30

Participate in the #WEAAD615 Challenge

Use your social media platforms to spread the word on elder abuse and prevention. Post six facts about elder abuse; reply with one thing you can do to prevent elder abuse; then tag five friends in your post. Don’t forget to use #WEAAD615! Click here for ready to use posts, or create your own!


June 1-15

Walk for WEAAD Virtual Challenge

Let’s build elder abuse awareness together through movement! Walk, run, or do any other activity to show your support for WEAAD. Register today, download our tracking app and walk through June 15. Join our Cuyahoga County WEAAD Team. Wear purple and tag your walking pics on social with #WEAAD!

Click to Register


June 9

C3A Consortium on Adult Abuse Conference

The Balance Between Autonomy & Self Neglect: When to Intervene

8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Corporate College East 4400 Richmond Rd, Warrensville Heights

Learn about the delicate balance between older adult autonomy and self neglect and when you need to intervene.

The cost is $85 and includes lunch and CEUs.

Click to register


June 16

DSAS’ 2023 Elder Abuse Awareness Forum

Mandated Reporter Training & Ethical Implication Working with Older Ohioans at Risk for Abuse

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (BRI), 11899 Fairhill Rd., Cleveland

DSAS is pleased to present this year's theme of "Mandated Reporter Training and Ethical Implications Working with Older Ohioans at Risk for Abuse." Take part in mandated reporter training, hear from our panel of dynamic speaker and celebrate DSAS' APS Worker of the Year. A light breakfast will be provided. Registration is free. Pre-registration is required as space is limited.

Click to Register


June 15

Wear Purple For Awareness Day

Help create awareness by wearing purple and being social on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day! Send your pics to us for sharing on our social channels, or post your own and use the tags #WEAAD and #WEAADCuyahoga


June 15

Light the Tower for Elder Abuse Awareness

See our local landmark, the Terminal Tower, decked in purple!

Tag your selfies with @TowerLightsCLE, #WEAAD #WEAADCuyahoga


June 28

Ohio Attorney General's 2023 Elder Abuse Commission Conference

From Research to Practice: Integrating Trauma-Informed Responses to Elder Abuse

10 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. The Ohio State University Fawcett Center 2400 Olentangy River Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43210

This conference will help advocates who work with older Ohioans realize how trauma among older adults needs to be understood by all in order to effectively respond to elder abuse victims. Just as childhood trauma can delay or stunt early development, we need to explore elder abuse and other trauma that manifests later in life using a similar framework that examines the root cause of their difficulties and troubling behavior, which is often not understood or addressed. “What happened to you?” is the question we need to ask elder abuse victims, instead of “What’s wrong with you?

Click to Register

Lawrence Vavro , Chief
Phone: 216-420-6741
Natasha Pietrocola, MEd, MBA , Director, Division of Senior and Adult Services
Phone: 216-420-6755
Division of Senior and Adult Services
13815 Kinsman Road
Cleveland OH 44120

DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700

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