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Am I Ready?

Answer true or false for each statement below to see if you meet the requirements to become a foster/adoptive parent.

I reside in Cuyahoga County. True or false?
If you don't live in Cuyahoga County you can still adopt our children, but your home study must be completed by your home county. This does not apply to foster parents who are already licensed by Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services.

I have enough room in my home for a foster/adopted child. True or false?

  • Each foster child must have his/her own bed.
  • Foster and adopted children may share bedrooms with other same sex children.
  • No foster child may share a bedroom with anyone 18 years and older except in defined circumstances. If you need more information about those circumstances, contact the Recruitment Department at 216-881-5775.
  • Children of different sexes can share a bedroom up to age 5.
  • No resident in the home may move out of his/her bedroom to make room for the new child.

I am ready to have a safety inspection of my home. True or false?
During the home study process, your social worker will conduct a safety inspection. The home must be free of danger and refuse. You must have:
  • Working smoke detectors.
  • A posted escape plan of the house.
  • Fire extinguishers.
  • A fire inspection by the fire department.

I am in good physical, emotional, and mental health. True or false?
Being a parent is demanding! You must be healthy and emotionally stable to care for foster or adopted children. All household members must have a medical statement completed by a physician. Your social worker will interview everyone over the age of four.

I have never had a case with an agency due to abuse or neglect. True or false?
If you have ever had a substantiated abuse and neglect allegation against you, you may not be able to become a foster or adoptive parent. If your own child was placed in foster care and/or was adopted, it is not likely that you will become a foster or adoptive parent.

Your application will be reviewed for a final determination. If you have any concerns or questions, please call 216-881-5775.

My income meets my family's needs. True or false?
During the process you must provide provide proof of income to show you can meet your existing household and family expenses.

I'm single or have been in my current relationship for 12 months or more. True or false?
Foster and adoptive parents can be single, married, legally separated, or divorced. To reflect stability in your situation, you must be in your current relationship or marital status for at least 12 months.

All couples living together, heterosexual or homosexual, must be married to adopt a child together. In cases where the couple is not married only one person can adopt a child.

No adult or teen in my home has ever been convicted of a crime. True or false?
  • If you have any adults living in your household convicted of certain criminal offenses, you cannot become a foster or adoptive parent.
  • All adults 18 and over will be fingerprinted.
  • If you have not been a resident of Ohio for the past five years or have been accused and/or convicted of a crime in another state, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will conduct a background check.
  • You must also report any offenses committed by juvenile household members ages 12 to 18.
  • Call the Recruitment Department at 216-881-5775 if you have any questions.

I'm ready to begin the home study process now! True or false?
You may be ready to become a foster or adoptive parent if:
  • You're not moving.
  • You're not experiencing financial, marital, or medical difficulties.
  • You anticipate no major changes to your life in the near future.
  • You own your own home or are renting and your landlord will approve foster children in the home.
  • Your home is safe and in good repair.
  • You have talked seriously to other family members about your desire to become a foster or adoptive parent.

  • If you are a licensed Foster Caregiver or approved Adoptive Family requesting information about a specific child submit an inquiry and we’ll follow up with you.
  • If you are not a licensed Foster Caregiver or approved Adoptive Family please submit this interest form and we’ll get back to you.

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