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It is important to keep in mind that the Courts and OCSS are completely separate entities. OCSS is an administrative agency established under the laws of the state of Ohio.

The Juvenile Court and Domestic Relations Court are part of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas and handle a variety of cases, not just those relating to child support.

Domestic Relations Court

The Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court has jurisdiction to hear cases involving divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, and domestic violence.

When parties who divorce have minor children, the Domestic Relations Court can establish orders for child support and spousal support. OCSS is not typically involved in the establishment of those orders but may assist with collection, distribution and enforcement.

Information about Support matters handled by the Domestic Relations Court and forms related to child support may be found on the Court’s website through the following links:

Domestic Violence

While only the courts can assist a party with obtaining a civil protection order, a party who is concerned that disclosure of his/her information to the other parent might lead to family violence can ask OCSS to safeguard the information by marking it with a Family Violence Indicator.

Information about obtaining a civil protection order is also available on the Court’s website through the following link:

The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland may be able to represent victims of domestic violence. For more information about the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland and Domestic Violence, visit LASC and Domestic Violence.


Under certain circumstances regarding jurisdiction, OCSS requires the assistance of the Domestic Relations Court to establish paternity and/or child support as well as enforce child support orders. The most common situation is when the case involves a parent resides outside of the state of Ohio and it meets the criteria under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA).

Juvenile Court

The Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court’s jurisdiction includes, but is not limited to, orders regarding:
  • children alleged to be delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected or dependent,
  • the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for a child who is not subject to the jurisdiction of another court,
  • the paternity of a child born out of wedlock

The OCSS files actions to determine paternity and child support and actions to enforce child support orders on behalf of custodial parents/parents receiving child support who request its services and/or who are receiving public assistance.

Individuals may also file their own actions to establish, modify, or enforce a support order in the Juvenile Court, and may also file motions on existing OCSS cases. Information related to child support may be found through the following link:

Information on Juvenile Court filing fees may be found through the following link:

Things to Consider:
  • Neither OCSS nor Juvenile Court staff can assist parties with filing a private action or motion. It is recommended, but not required, that private parties consult with an attorney for questions about their legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Filing a complaint or motion with the Court requires some familiarity with the laws and rules governing the courts of Ohio as well as with the specific subject matter of the case.
  • Juvenile Court has a Resource Center located on the 2nd floor of the Juvenile Justice Center that may provide some assistance to private parties; and Domestic Relations has a Help Center as well to assist.

Below are some links to the Ohio statutes and rules that apply to the Juvenile Court and Domestic Relations Court and to paternity and child support matters in Ohio. Also included is a link to the Ohio Child Support Guidelines Calculator, also known as the Guideline Worksheet. The link is found on the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services web site.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
1223 W. Sixth Street
Cleveland Ohio 44113

Phone: 216-687-1900

Domestic Relations Court
1 W. Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44113

Phone: 216-443-8800

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court
9300 Quincy Avenue
Cleveland Ohio 44106

Phone: 216-443-8400

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