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Child Abuse Prevention Month

child abuse prevention monthApril is Child Abuse Prevention Month, an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse. This month the Division of Children & Family Services (DCFS) joins the national call for increased awareness and action by encouraging Cuyahoga County residents and partners to consider how to support families, provide education, and offer resources to improve well-being for all children.

When we first went into lockdown, DCFS was concerned about all the children no one was seeing in school or daycare.  Referrals to the hotline were down and we just didn’t know what we didn’t know. Now many children are in school in some form, either virtually, hybrid, or in-person.  Referrals are back up and we are getting a somewhat better picture of what’s happening with children in our community.  Some of our children and families are seriously struggling.

News about child deaths should make us consider how we support our families in these difficult times.  Parents are often making critical decisions about food, shelter, healthcare, and childcare and have limited options or resources.  Poverty and neglect can look a lot alike.  How can we support parents and prevent neglect or abuse that can lead to tragic consequences?

This month we ask our community to consider those same questions.  Not just how do we investigate and intervene after an incident, but how can we prevent the trauma of abuse and neglect that can have a long-lasting impact on our children?  

The theme this month is “Be a Hero in the Eyes of a Child.” The DCFS Outreach team is coordinating weekly emails and special activities for the community to increase awareness and action. We believe that as a community, we all have a role in preventing child abuse and neglect. Visit our website for more information on Child Abuse Prevention Month activities and spread the word.