Responsibly Reconnecting with Our Seniors
Governor Mike DeWine issued an Executive Order, allowing adult day care services and senior centers in Ohio to reopen on September 21. These centers may reopen using a phased approach and must meet all safety standards outlined in the Executive Order. Only those centers that have met State and CDC requirements and whose center directors have authorized re-opening, will open.
The Cuyahoga County Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) works with 37 senior center sites throughout the County to provide services such as transportation, congregate meals, enrichment activities and adult day care. While Cuyahoga County’s senior centers are thrilled to welcome their members back, there are a few things older adults and their caregivers need to know.
Find a senior center that is reopened near you and what services they are currently offering.
If you are planning a visit to your senior center, here’s what you can expect:
Pre-Opening Testing and Training: All staff and volunteers will be tested bi-weekly in order to work in the senior center. They will be trained in proper procedures, infection control and sanitation. All staff and volunteers will wear approved personal protective equipment (PPE).
Facility Modifications: Senior Centers will be modifying their operations for safety. Modifications may include:
- Reduced hours and programming
- Reduced capacity and furnishings to provide for social distancing
- Hand washing and hand sanitizing stations
- Mask wearing and social distancing requirements
- Pre-registration for activities
- COVID-19 pre-screening and testing
- Enhanced sanitation protocols in accordance with CDC guidelines
- Layout and traffic flow changes
- Informational signage and communication
- Cohort groupings to limit exposure
- Isolation areas for possible cases
Pre-Screening: Centers will conduct pre-screenings via telephone, so they will ask you to check your symptoms every morning. If you are experiencing any of the following, please stay home. If you come to the center and begin to experience any of these symptoms, you will be sent home:
- Fever over 100 F
- Coughing or wheezing
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Fatigue
- Headache or body aches
- Loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Screening: Senior centers may screen all individuals who wish to enter their facility. Screening procedures can include temperature taking, and questions about symptoms and exposure. Logs will be kept of all visitors to the center, to assist with monitoring exposure, cases and contact tracing. Drop in visits from participants are currently prohibited. If a participant refuses a screening, they will not be permitted to enter the center. However, they can still participate in in-home and virtual programming.
Testing: Every senior center will have a designated point of contact responsible for their testing program. Facilities will conduct bi-weekly testing of staff, volunteers and attendees. The tests will be conducted in accordance with state guidelines, and summary results will be reported to the state via an online reporting tool. Staff will be tested every other week, and attendees will be tested if they are high risk, exhibiting symptoms, or are suspected of being exposed to COVID-19. Nasal Testing will be utilized and can be self or staff administered. Testing will be billed first to the member’s insurance and then to the state. Specimens will be sent to the lab, and results should be available within 48 hours. Members who refuse testing may not enter the facility to participate in any services.
Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Should there be a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a senior center staff, volunteer or member, the center will isolate the confirmed case; close for deep cleaning and sanitization; and work with the local health authorities to conduct contact tracing. Each senior center will identify areas to isolate a potential case. Staff who are symptomatic will notify their supervisor, leave work and schedule a test. Staff who have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 will quarantine for 14 days. Participants who become symptomatic or report known exposure to someone with confirmed COVID-19 will be immediately isolated to avoid exposing other participants and will be asked to quarantine before returning to the center.
Congregate Activities: Large group activities such as field trips and excursions, are postponed for safety purposes. For congregate activities in the senior center, social distancing and masks will be required. Attendees will need to register in advance and arrive early for screening. For congregate meals, social distancing will be required in line and at the dining tables. To further reduce risk, alternating dining schedules, cohort seating, disposable plates and single use condiments may be employed.
Transportation: Both drivers and riders will be required to wear masks and social distancing will be practiced. Drivers will not be screening riders; the pre-screening will happen via phone prior to pick up.
Compliance: If a facility is not complying with the state Order, a report can be filed with the local health department for further evaluation.
We hope this overview is helpful as you begin to venture out and reconnect with your local senior center. We are excited to serve our residents again and look forward to a safe and enjoyable experience for all. If you have questions, please contact your center directly. You can locate your nearest center on this interactive map.
For more information on the State of Ohio’s Responsible Restart initiative, call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH, visit the Ohio Department of Aging website, or download their Senior Center Restart Guide. For questions about DSAS’ Community Social Services Program call 216-420-6700 or visit our website.