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Operation Cuyahoga Cares

Hundreds of local families and older adults need additional support during the pandemic. The Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and the Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) stepped up to help through Operation Cuyahoga Cares to help some of our hardest hit families and older adults weather the crisis.  We asked the community to join us in supporting our most vulnerable residents and witnessed an incredible outpouring of support.

Most of the funds are being used to supplement basic needs like groceries and other household items. Many families have expressed their gratitude with thank you notes saying, “I'm very grateful and appreciate this so much we really need this" and “This truly means A LOT to us and definitely put a positive spin to the end of this hectic week. Thank you once again truly from the bottom of our hearts." Operation Cuyahoga Cares is a testament to the power of our caring community and the difference we all make in the lives of the children and families we work with.

Through the generosity of our donors, almost $40,000 was raised to supply over forty struggling elders and almost 200 struggling families with gift cards for local stores where they could buy essentials such as food, hygiene and cleaning products. Deserving seniors received a personal visit from our case managers bearing a gift card, bag of food from our emergency pantry, and a box of cookies from Girl Scout Troup #71821. 

Operation: Cuyahoga Cares was a first-time partnership between sister agencies, the Division of Children and Family Services and the Division of Senior and Adult Services.  We were pleased to see the response from the community, and we look forward to growing this program to serve our residents in need. 

Together, we made a difference.  Together, we gave hope!

Elders Served

Families Served

Total Donated

Number of Donors

Thank You to Our Donors
Lenny Abramov
Crystal Allen
April Alvis
Kristy Amy
Elizabeth Armstrong
Meg and Herb Auly
Kristen Balas
Sarah Ball
Kelly Barsham
Robert Bazzarelli
Jamie Belding
Cathy Belk
Sharon Benhringer
Joshua G. Berggrun
Diane Bickett
Kate Blaszak
Natalie Borrell
Victoria Bowden
Cheryl Bradas
Meggan Few Brian
Claire Brinkley
Crystal Bryant
Kari Elsila and Michael Buescher
Selena Burks-Rentschler
Vanessa Burns
Kristin Cala
Traci Canfield
CommutAir Cares
Case Western Reserve University, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Admissions
Sonya Charles
Cleveland Clinic Office of Nursing Informatics
Cleveland Clinic Pharmacy Residents
Martha Clinger
Lakewood College
Wan Collier
Emily Conway
Karen Cook
Benjamin and Kristina Cullis
Jen Davis
Colleen Deighan
Lori DelSignore
Amber DiBattiste
Debbie Downing
Annette Edwards
Pricila Estep
Pete & Laura Evangelista
Elaine Fifner
Melanie S. Fletcher
Jayme Frantz
Mark Gadzinski
Claire Gauntner
Anna Maria Gaydos 
Janet Geiger
Allison Mollica Gerges
Tiffany Goldstein
Kelly Goshe
Nina Greenberg
Kathleen Griffin
Felicia Hale
Maureen Harkleroad
Jeff Harraman
Carolyn Priemer Harrison
Tammy Heldman
Christina Hidek
Jeané Holley
Wendy Hoppel
Katherine Howington
Kate Howley
Carolyn Hufford
Lucia Janoch
Cindy Johnson
Leah Johnson
Paula Jones 
Amrita Kabi
Molly Kaplan
Heather Kincaid
Donna Klein
Bob Kloos
Rebecca Knackstedt
Stacie Knirsch
Stephanie Konczos
Bruce Kowalski
Kate Krengel
Meera Kumari, MD
Julia Leb
Karen Leone
Sarah Lew
Tammy Loucks
Christina Lundquist
Mandy Mackintosh
Jennifer Martin-Brooks
Amy Maurer
Lawren Maxwell
Sarah McIntyre 
Paula McLain
Linda Miller
Jessica Miller
Stacy Millsape
Angela Minelli
More than Moms
Jill Munteanu
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Kit Newell
Sue Nilsen
Keely O'Bryan
Jason Occhipinti
Ann O'Donnell
Marie Ortman 
Gina Palmer
Barbara Paynter
Catey Peters
Natasha Pietrocola
Sue Piper
Teresa Puccini 
Yashila Ray
Holli Ritzenthaler
Michael Rogalski
Justine Rose
Denise Rucker-Burton
Catherine Rush
Mary Ryan
Publicis Sapient
Kelly Schneider, NMSS
Protective Services
Paul Shaniuk
Meghan Shank
Laquodra Simmons
Peggy Slavik
LaToya Smith
Tracy Somoles
Amy Soranno
Sharon Speigner
Majestic Steel
Melissa Strouth
Dave Thielet
Emily Thomas
Thatcher Thomas
Catherine Tkachyk
Girl Scouts of America Troop #71821
Dan Trotter
Noelle T. Tsevdos
Melissa Vajas 
Susan Valerian
Jen Black-Vidic & Dennis Vidic
John W. Waldeck Jr.
Felicia Walker
Megan Walsh
Marisa Warrix
Jennifer Watters
Sandra Weaver-Mitchell
Rebecca Wharton
Jackie Williams
Heather Woods
Ashley Yassall
Angela Zawada
Lori Zbydniewski