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DCFS Record Requests

Under Ohio Law client records at public child welfare agencies are considered the confidential property of the Division and therefore, exempt from public records laws and not subject to release. Under certain circumstances some portions of a record may be released.
  • If you are the alleged perpetrator of child abuse or neglect in Cuyahoga County you may request a copy of the original Disposition Letter from DCFS to you, stating whether the investigation of the alleged abuse or neglect resulted in a substantiated, indicated or unsubstantiated finding. If you are not the alleged perpetrator, you are not permitted to receive this information.
  • If you have an open case with DCFS, you may receive portions of your record. This includes any case plan, safety plan or visitation plan you have signed. You may request these records from your caseworker.
  • If you are a former foster child whose case has been closed, there may be some information available to you.
  • If you are an adopted child whose case has been closed, there may be some information available to you.
  • If you are a current or former foster parent, there may be some information available to you.
  • If you are from a social service agency and are working with a current/former client of CCDCFS you must have signed release specifying the specific information you are permitted to request.

For all client records request, please contact Customer Service:
Phone: (216) 432-CARE
Fax: (216) 432-5047 (FAX)
Online Request Form

For other non-client related public records requests, please contact the DCFS Public Records Officer:
Stephen Rusnak
3955 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
(216) 881-4028

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