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DCFS Investigation Appeal

Request an Appeal for an Indicated or Substantiated Finding of Child Abuse or Neglect

After a child abuse and/or neglect investigation, the alleged perpetrator of abuse and/or neglect will receive a letter stating the resulting findings. If this letter states that the alleged abuse and/or neglect is “indicated” or “substantiated” the perpetrator has the right to appeal.
  • Only the alleged perpetrator(s) or their authorized representative can request an appeal.
  • The appeal must be requested within 30 calendar days of the date on the disposition letter.

Requests must be made in writing and must include:
  • The name of alleged perpetrator.
  • The mailing address and contact phone number for the alleged perpetrator.
  • A disclosure of current or potential court activity involving the subject matter under investigation.
  • A copy of the Disposition letter

Send appeal requests to:

Community Relations Unit
Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services
3955 Euclid Avenue, Room 112-W
Cleveland, OH 44115

A request for appeal will be denied if:

  • It’s received more than 30 calendar days from the date of the disposition letter, unless you can establish good cause for the delay.
  • There are pending court actions or ongoing legal proceedings involving the same child abuse and neglect case. You can submit or resubmit your request for appeal within ten business days of when these court actions or proceedings finish.

What happens next:

  • The agency will send confirmation in writing to the perpetrator that the appeal request was received.
  • The perpetrator will be notified of the appeal date, time, and location.
  • The appeal will be held within 30 calendar days.

During the appeal hearing, the perpetrator and/or his/her representative should present any new information calmly and respectfully. The findings of the investigation will change if the senior supervisor or administrator decides that:


  • The report disposition was incorrect.
  • There was no child abuse or neglect as defined by Ohio law.
  • All the information presented doesn’t support the report disposition.

The senior administrator’s or supervisor’s appeal hearing decision is final.

Read the full policy.

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