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CJFS State Hearings

If you do not agree with the eligibility action taken on your benefit case, including Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Ohio Works First, Child Care Assistance or the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency program, you can request a state hearing to appeal the decision.

A hearing request must be received within 90 days from the date the decision notice was mailed to you.

Step 1. How to request a State Hearing:
Step 2. The county State Hearing Department will coordinate the hearing appointment. The hearing interview will involve you (the customer), the state hearing officer, county state hearing representative, and caseworker. The hearing unit representative will contact you to explain the hearing interview process and provide any clarification necessary on your benefit case. You can decide whether to proceed with hearing or accept decision on benefit case.

Step 3. Once the hearing interview is complete, the State Hearing officer will issue an appeal decision to file with you, the county State Hearing Department, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

If the original eligibility determination on the case is rescinded by the state hearing officer, a new decision is issued, Cuyahoga Job and Family Services will update the benefit case and issue an NOA to the customer.

Step 4. If the original eligibility determination on the case is upheld by the state hearing officer and you disagree with the decision, you can request an Administrative Appeal Hearing once upon receiving the Notice of Action (NOA). The customer can request the administrative appeal hearing directly from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services using the same contact info above. The Cuyahoga Job and Family Services nor its representatives are involved in the administrative appeal hearing process.

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