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June 2011
young man sitting and smiling

“If there is one thing you need to know about me, it is that I love football”! Terrance isn’t shy about his love of the game and aspires to be a running back one day. As he says, “I run FAST”.

He loves school and gets all As, except in Social Studies…he is definitely not a fan of history. If you take him to the zoo, he will have to go see his favorite animals: lions and tigers. His favorite color is red, and he enjoys the occasional trip to McDonald's. Terrance is a gentle and protective older brother.

Terrance will need to have continued contact with his siblings. He is full of energy and ready to share his huge personality with his forever family. Are you ready to add Terrance to your family?

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Madison Talley
Telephone: (216) 635-3849

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