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October 2013
young boy smiling in a car My name is Nathan and I am going into the second grade. Overall, I do very well in school and enjoy my classwork. I am very active and love to run and play tag. I enjoy walking the family dog. My favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.

I like to play computer games like Minecraft, and I like to build things with my Legos. My favorite holidays are Christmas, because I like getting gifts and the 4th of July, because I really like fireworks and barbeque. When I grow up, I want to work for the FBI.

I have a number of siblings that I would like to maintain a relationship with after permanency.
Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Chaquelya Patterson, Jennifer Burnett
Telephone: 216-881-4397, 216-881-4064

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