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October 2007
young woman standing and smiling

Move over “Cat Daddy” Jackson Galaxy, there is a new cat whisperer in town. Meet Laniyah! She loves cats and kittens and enjoys going to the shelters to see the animals and to spend time with them. One of her favorite moments was when she was allowed to crawl into a big cage with two timid cats to comfort them. She sat there with them until they came out to explore. The smile on her face couldn’t get any bigger. The confidence she shows around animals, even big dogs, shows how this once shy girl is coming out of her shell to explore the world around her.

Laniyah is creative and enjoys coloring, as well as fixing things involving technology. She can probably help you to get your clock to stop flashing “12:00”. Laniyah can see herself starting a band and playing the drums- once she learns them. She has even thought about how cool it would be to build a car.

When this young lady isn’t inside playing Roblox or watching “Liv and Maddie”, she can be found playing board games or coloring pictures of animals, most likely cats. However, if it is a nice summer day, she will be at the park swinging on the swings or swimming in the pool. If you like to play Monopoly, she’s your girl.

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Sabrina Jones
Telephone: (216) 635-3066

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