Access Cold Weather Safety Resources


April 2007
young man standing wearing a sweatshirt

George is a very reserved and clever young man. He is in the 11th grade. George has a passion for playing football. He is on his school football team. In George’s spare time he enjoys playing video games, connecting with peers, and utilizing electronic devices. George also has a passion for cutting hair. George already has his career path set out for himself. He is eager to become involved in the sports arena and perhaps being a barber as a second profession.

When it comes to getting along in a family, he sometimes takes a while to warm up and be comfortable. This vigorous teenager needs an adoptive home where he can continue to work towards making positive strides. George enjoys receiving affection from those that he is bonded to, but he is not one that gives a lot of affection. He needs a family who will give him unconditional love and commitment.

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Danielle Bailey, Kirstin Dibbern
Telephone: (216) 881-4448, (216) 881-4046

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