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December 2007
Ganylah White

Ganylah is a 15-year-old teenager. She’s smart, kind, resilient and funny. Ganylah likes to play Roblox, sleeping, going to the library, and reading. She likes reading horror books but can’t do the movies. She likes going swimming, skating, and extreme air. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite subject in school is science. Her favorite food is ramen noodles with hot sauce, Chinese food, and homemade Macaroni.

She also enjoys cooking full meals for her peers to enjoy. When she gets older, she wants to be an anesthesiologist or a nurse. If that doesn’t work out, she would be a video game designer because she is creative. If she isn’t creating some new design, she loves to just relax and watch tv. Ganylah likes to keep things Simple and Calm.

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Eloise Bullock, Norreen Thomas
Telephone: 216-561-5413, 216-881-4662

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