
July 2011
young man smiling and standing in a house

Demarion is a very happy and loving child. He has lots of energy and loves running and playing at the park. His favorite toys are Legos and he enjoys playing games on the Nintendo Switch, going go-cart racing, going to the arcade and being in the outdoors. Demarion loves arts and crafts and is good with making things. He loves playing with other children. He loves going out to dinner at restaurants. His favorite food is grilled cheese toast and tomato soup. His favorite movie is Spider-Man. He also enjoys going to church and singing along with the choir. Demarion likes playing cops and robbers and want to be a police officer when he grows up. Demarion loves school and making friends.

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Gohnnie Jackson WOR, Alyiah Reese, PSS Worker
Telephone: 216-881-3073, 216-881-4697

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