Dominic and Ashton
April 2009 and June 2010
Dominic enjoys sitting down, chilling out, playing on a trampoline, and playing basketball. His all-time favorite color is blue. He enjoys reading Goosebumps. Practical Jokers and SpongeBob Square Pants are his favorite TV series. He also likes the Good Doctor, Rooky, and Organized Crimes. His favorite food is pasta. He is good at computers. Dominic is a character and can be comical at times.
Ashton enjoys playing basketball, football, watching movies, and playing outside. He loves his phone. His favorite color is also blue. Ashton excels in school even though he does not like reading books. He prefers to read information on the computer. He enjoys watching Ready Player 1, Marvel movies, action movies, and horror movies. Ashton enjoys Mongolian food and loves pizza. He is good at completing tasks and chores.
Dominic and Ashton have been the strongest support for one another. They are up for a new adventure and can't wait to travel with their future family! They will need a family who will guide them through life and navigate all the trials and turns they may experience by providing plenty of structure, love, and nurturing. Both would benefit from having realistic, understanding, and mature parents who would help them learn healthy boundaries and set a good example for them.