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Request a Speaker

The Department of Health and Human Services makes every effort to inform and educate the public about various programs and services offered, as well as how residents and professionals can help protect our most vulnerable individuals from abuse and neglect. HHS employees may attend meetings or events for your company or organization and offer presentations, informational materials, and free training for certain professionals.

Topics include:

  • Department overview (Overview of operations and programs for Dept. of Health and Human Services or specific HHS division/office.)
  • Public Benefits Overview (food, cash, child care, Medicaid, emergency assistance)
  • Workforce & Career Training Services
  • Community Assisters Navigator Training
  • Other JFS Support (utility assistance, free tax prep, financial management, voter registration, interpretation and translation)
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Training
  • Foster Care and Adoption
  • Human Trafficking
  • Elder Abuse Mandated Reporter Training
  • Services for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities
  • Paternity Establishment and Child Support overview
  • Employer Withholding for Child Support
To request a speaker please submit the request form and someone will contact you for more details and scheduling.

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Contact Information

Topic (Select all that apply)

Event Information

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