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Advisory Boards


Children and Family Services Advisory Board

The Division of Children and Family Services Advisory Board (“DCFS Board”) established pursuant to O.R.C. 5153.05 as an “advisory committee on children services” and shall be comprised of up to ten members who shall provide independent perspective and feedback to the County and the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (“DCFS”) leadership. The DCFS Board shall also serve as a link between Board and the community it serves. The DCFS Board is advisory in nature only and shall not have any decision-making authority over DCFS or the County.

More information on members, meeting schedules, and agendas


Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Office of Homeless Services Advisory Board

The Office of Homeless Services Advisory Board (OHSAB) is an organization created to advise the Office of Homeless Services in the development and implementation of the Community's Homeless Plan through advocacy, policy review, technical assistance, priority setting, linkages and coordination, provision of financial and other resources, and the continued articulation of the vision of the Community's Homeless Plan.

More information on members, meeting schedules, and agendas


Cuyahoga County Advisory Board on Senior and Adult Services

The Cuyahoga County Advisory Council on Senior and Adult Services is the official advisory body to the Director of the Department of Senior and Adult Services and the Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners. In this capacity the Council shall provide a forum for seniors, adults, consumers, elected officials, agency representatives and others interested in the concerns of seniors and adults.

More information on members, meeting schedules, and agendas

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