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Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the Holidays snowmen with a giftHope for the Holidays is our annual gift program for children and teens in foster care. Once again the event will be a drive-thru format for our families. All gifts will be bagged and loaded into trunks. These programs are made possible by gifts from generous donors like you, churches, businesses, schools, families and individuals. Every gift makes a difference!

If you would like to support youth in foster care:
Purchase a new gift from our Amazon and Target wishlists compiled of requests from our children in foster care or buy a toy, game, book, etc. from your favorite retailer and drop-off to our building at 4261 Fulton Pkwy., Cleveland OH, 44144. Drop-offs must be scheduled with our Outreach Staff who can be contacted via email or 216-881-4150.

Deadline for donations is Friday, December 6th. Monetary donations should be made out to: DCFS Hope for the Holidays and sent to the DCFS c/o Outreach Department, 3955 Euclid Ave. JEH 350 E, Cleveland, OH 44115.

children holding presentsHope for the Holidays recipient “I cannot say thank you enough for the awesome gifts you got my foster sons. They were spot on and will bring so much joy to them! So generous of you all. The quilts they received are so sweet and the Chipotle gift card was an unexpected blessing. I cannot imagine the time, energy, and funds it took to make yesterday happen but we are so appreciative for all who helped. THANK YOU!”

If you have questions or would like to sign up for our Hope for the Holidays or Adopt-a-Family programs, please contact:

DCFS Outreach Department





*This holiday giving program is dedicated to children and families that have an active case with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services. If you need assistance and are not involved with DCFS you can contact one of our neighborhood partners or United Way 211 to find help in your community.

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