Access Cold Weather Safety Resources
Able Bodied Adults without Dependents
Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-Up
ABD Medicaid
Aged, Blind & Disabled Medicaid
Administrative Hearing
provides the parties with a process to address actions taken by the CJFS OCSS on their case and/or to request specified services on Administrative orders.
Administrative Process
actions taken by the office of Child Support Services to establish and/or enforce child support, an alternative to court actions
Administrative Subpoenas
issued by a state of county agency, by statute, commanding an individual to appear at a certain time and place to give testimony regarding a certain matter, or, to provide information.
is the method approved by law to establish the legal relationship of a parent and child who are not so related by birth, with the same natural rights and obligations that exist between children and their birth parent(s).
Adoption Approval
the recommendation by Children and Family Services resulting from the home study assessment process including, but not limited to: collected information, conducted interviews and the completed home inspection.
Adoption Subsidy
financial assistance for families who adopt children with special needs or circumstances. Also referred to as subsidized adoption.
Adoption Workers
social workers/certified adoption assessors who are responsible for the needs and well-being of the child(ren) in permanent custody including regular visits with the child(ren).
Adult Protective Services (APS)
protects and assists adults 60+ who may be victims of abuse, neglect, self-neglect and/or financial exploitation.
Advanced Notice of Default
notice to an obligor that he/she is in default (behind in his/her support obligation), and subject to one or more enforcement remedies to satisfy the support obligation.
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
requires each state to provide web based applications, verifications, and determinations for public benefits.
Age of Majority
attained upon one's eighteenth birthday. However, a child support order will remain in effect beyond attainment of eighteen as long as the child continuously attends an accredited high school on a full-time basis. No current obligation will remain in effect after the child attains the age of nineteen, unless a court orders otherwise.
Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services of Cuyahoga County (ADAMHSCC)
responsible for the planning, funding, and monitoring of public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery services delivered to the residents of Cuyahoga County.
a husband's or wife's court-ordered provision for a spouse after separation or divorce.
Alleged Father
a person who has been named as the father of a child born out of wedlock, but for whom paternity has not been established.
Alternative Response
a.k.a. Differential Response: bifurcated system reform for responding to child maltreatment reports. The "traditional track" uses formal investigation methods for situations where alleged maltreatment is very serious, or referral information suggests children may be at high risk of serious harm. The "alternative track" is used in situations of less serious allegations. Cases in the "alternative track" do not receive a case disposition, and utilize a service plan focused on the family's overall needs rather than a CAPMIS case plan. In both tracks, safety and family assessments are completed.
Alternatives for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT)
an evidence-based treatment designed to improve the relationships between children and caregivers in families involved in arguments, frequent conflict, physical force/discipline, or child physical abuse.
back support that is owed to the custodial parent or obligee. This money was never paid to the custodial parent by the parent who was ordered to pay child support.
Assessment Fee
administrative fee the Child Support Agency is permitted, by law, to collect from a non-custodial parent's child support payments (currently 2%). This amount is in addition to the child support amount, it is also known as processing fee or poundage.
Asset Limit
is a limit to the amount of total assets an applicant household may have and still remain eligible for affordable housing.
Assignment of Support Rights
participation in Ohio Works First (OWF) constitutes an assignment to ODJFS of any rights that members of an assistance group have to support from another person. OCSS is responsible for the collection and distribution of support payments owed, whether assigned or unassigned.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors.
Automated Interface
exchange of information electronically between IV-A (public assistance), the medicaid program, and IV-D (child support) agencies.
Bench Warrant
warrant for arrest issued by a count.
involving the agreement or cooperation or two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.
Board of Elections (BOE)
a bipartisan board appointed usually by local authorities and charged with control of elections and voting procedure.
Buccal Swab
a recognized form of genetic testing used to determine paternity, which involves a cotton swab type instrument for collecting saliva from individuals submitting to testing.
warrant for arrest issued by a court.
the person responsible for a dependent child's health or welfare who has temporary or legal custody of the child.
Case Closure
federally mandated reasons for an agency to close a case. Classification of a case as closed does not terminate the court order or the legal obligation to pay any outstanding arrears.
Case Plan
a goal-oriented, time-limited, individual plan of action for a child and the family which identifies problems to be resolved. The plan also details steps of resolution with the aid of supportive services within the family’s community.
Case Transfer
to move a case in its entirety to another child support agency.
type of file used to make electronic payments via ACH credit for child support.
Central Paternity Registry
a clearinghouse of birthing information obtained as a result of the establishment of a parent/child relationship on out-of-wedlock births in Ohio.
Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE)
removes certain legal barriers to seeking employment or obtaining an occupational license in certain fields.
Child Neglect
another form of child maltreatment and occurs when a parent or caregiver fails to act on behalf of a child. A Child who does not receive adequate food, shelter, clothing, medical care, safety, or education may be neglected.
Child Protection Specialist (CPS)
investigate suspected abuse and neglect and protect children at serious risk. May work with prosecutors and Juvenile Court for protective supervision, emergency custody, temporary custody, or permanent custody of a child.
Child Well-Being
a plan that highlights the priorities for meeting needs, and making life better for children and families. 
a network of foster/ adoptive parent support groups for and facilitated by foster and adoptive parents with the intention of fellowship, mentorship, family fun activities and an education/ training piece for peer problem solving and decision-making skills.
Cluster Support Groups
a formal support system developed to encourage communications between the agency, foster, adoptive and kinship families.
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Community Collaboratives
neighborhood based organizations that provide resources and support for families in order to prevent their involvement with DCFS. DCFS has contracted agreements with ten organizations operating 13 collaboratives county-wide. Also known as neighborhood collaboratives.
Community Office on Aging (OOA)
increases DSAS' visibility in the community through marketing, public relations, strategic partnerships and collaboration with partner agencies, including public, private and academic.
Community Social Services Program (CSSP)
provides funding to senior centers for Adult Development/Day Care, Transportation and Congregate Meals.
all information received about a child support case is to be kept within the scope of the agency and disseminated only to authorized persons.
Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA)
federal law that limits the amount that may be withheld from earnings to satisfy child support obligations. Regardless of the number of withholding orders that have been served.
Continuum of Care
is an extensive network of agencies that plans, organizes and delivers housing and services to prevent homelessness and to assist people while they are homeless and as they move into stable housing.
the custodial parent must provide, as a condition of receiving public assistance benefits, sufficient information to identify a child's father and/or establish, modify and enforce a support order, inclusive of submitting to genetic testing and appearing at paternity and child support proceedings.
Coordinated Intake
the front door to emergency shelter for individuals and families with no place to safely sleep.
Credit Reporting Agency (CRA)
any agency, which tracks financial obligations of individuals or a company and used by banks, merchants, suppliers, etc. for the purpose of evaluating credit risk.
Criminal Non-Support
non-custodial parents who willfully refuse to pay court-ordered child support can be charged with the crime of the criminal non-support and be prosecuted. They must need established criteria and the decision to prosecute is made by the county federal prosecuting attorney.
any child support enforcement agency.
CTX 820
type of file used to make electronic payments via ACH credit for child support.
Custodial Parent
the child's legal caretaker who has custody of the children and may be entitled to receive child support payments on behalf of the children also referred to as residential parent obligee.
when Juvenile Court removes a child from his/her legal guardian and gives certain rights and responsibilities to an individual or an agency. There are different forms of custody including: emergency, temporary, permanent and legal.
any failure to pay under a support order that is an amount equal to or greater than the monthly support obligation.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
the federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws.
Direct Payments
payments made to the obligee, directly (not through child support). Once an order has been established, all payments should be made to OCSPC, unless the order specifically states otherwise. Any payments not made through the OCSPC will be considered gifts.
the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body.
Domestic Violence
violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.
Employment and Training
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)/Cuyahoga EITC Coalition
a refundable tax credit that increases the income of low-and-moderate income working families through the provision of tax reductions and wage supplements; aid employed workers in achieving and maintaining their independence from traditional public assistance by making work more attractive and supplementing low hourly wages.
Educational Training Voucher (ETV)
an annual federal grant provided to states to fund youth who have aged out of the foster care system and who are enrolled in college, university and vocational training programs.
Elder Abuse
 intentional or neglectful acts by a caregiver or trusted individual that may lead to the harm of an older adult age 60 or older.
Elder Exploitation
when a person misuses or takes the assets of a vulnerable adult for his/her own personal benefit.
Elder Neglect
physical or mental impairment or lacking capacity meaning that an older adult is no longer able to perform/take care of themselves.
the act of a minor child legally attaining independence, this can be obtained by age, marriage, entrance into the armed services or decree of the court.
Emergency Response System
lets you call for help in an emergency by simply pushing a button.
Emergency Shelter
a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence.
Emotional Abuse
chronic acts which interfere with the psychological development of a child.
methods to ensure payment of the obligation by the obligor.
E-Track Learning Management System
an online database that manages seven primary Ohio Child Welfare Training Program functions: management of individual development plans for staff and caregivers, training intervention maintenance, trainer record maintenance, evaluation, online learning delivery and tracking.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act- national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
Families Forward
part of a national study that seeks to find ways to help improve the lives of parents and children.
Family and Children First Council (FCFC)
a council that brings people together to make lasting progress for those who provide, fund, or need family services. 
Family Assessment
is the social review, study and preparation of a family who wishes to become adoptive/foster parents.
Family Service Worker (FSW)
the social worker assigned to the family case managing the case plan, safety/risk assessments, services and supports for the family and children involved.
Family Stability Incentive Program (FSIP)
a program that was developed in 2004 by the Family & Children First Council, the Division of Children and Family Services and the Neighborhood Collaboratives to replace the Family Stability Incentive Program (FSIP). Each Neighborhood Collaborative has a Resource Specialist who provides information and assistance to families who reside in their community. 
Federal Case Registry (FCR)
a computerized federal system in which all child support cases in all states are entered and tracked. This registry includes the federal parent locator services and the national director of new hired.
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
unique nine digit number assigned to all employers by the internal revenue services (IRS) which must be used in numerous transactions including submitting data and responding to requests relevant to child support.
Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
income levels below which an individual or family is considered to be living in poverty.
a requirement for the purpose of all child placements including foster/adoptive families, related caregivers and interested individuals. Fingerprints are run through the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI)/Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Valid state ID is required.
Foster Care
a safe, stable, loving and nurturing placement for a child until he/she can return home to his/ her biological parent(s).
Foster Care License
at the successful conclusion of your foster home study, your family is licensed by the State of Ohio as a substitute care provider.
Fraudulent Transfer
actions by an obligor to deliberately transfer assets or to enter into an obligation to avoid child support.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
needed for anyone to apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study, and loans.
Full Faith and Credit
recognizing other states child support related actions as legal and enforceable determinations in Ohio.
Genetic Testing
a procedure to establish a likelihood that the putative or alleged father is or is not the biological gather of a child.
Good Cause
findings by the IV-D agency that a recipient is excused from an obligation to facilitate establishment of child support and enforcement efforts.
Guardian ad Litem (GAL)
a temporary guardian for the duration of a legal proceeding. The GAL is a trained volunteer or paid professional who is appointed by the court to advocate for the best interests of abused, neglected or dependent children in the proceedings. The GAL does not serve as the child's attorney nor provide social services to the child.
a formula which takes into account parents' incomes and deductions for the establishment of a monthly child support obligation.
Hearing Officer
conducts hearings and issues recommendations and administrative orders.
a.k.a. Hyperthermia, can occur when the internal body organs or body core temperature reaches 104 degrees fahrenheit. Symptoms may include: confusion, combativeness, faintness, bizarre behavior and may cause irreversible brain damage.
Help Me Grow (HMG)
services dedicated for prenatal to age three, equip parents with the means to help their child acquire the early building blocks necessary for long term success.
Home Study Resource Managers
are certified adoption assessors and social workers who assess families who wish to foster/ adopt, by visiting the home and talking to family members to complete the home study process.
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

serves to gain a greater understanding of the numbers and characteristics of the homeless population, identify the needs of the homeless, both met and unmet, track available resources, monitor outcomes and program performance, and increase community awareness and understanding of issues related to homelessness.

the state of having no home.
Homestead Exemption
protects the value of the homes of residents from property taxes, creditors, and circumstances that arise from the death of the homeowner's spouse.
is an initiative that was established in April, 2002 to provide permanent housing solutions for persons with disabilities who experience long-term homelessness.
Immediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Imputing Income
the act of awarding potential income to individuals not employed or voluntarily underemployed; the child support agency or court may projects utilizing the child support guidelines, an income base for purposes of establishing a support obligation.
Incapacitated individual
person who has been determined by a court as lacking the capacity to manage at least some of the property or to meet at least some of the essential health and safety requirements.
Income Withholding
withholding from an obligor's income for the purpose of paying a support obligation. "income" means: any form of monetary payment, including personal earnings; workers' compensation payments; unemployment compensation benefits; pensions; annuities; allowances; private or government benefits to the extent that the benefits can be withheld or deducted under the law governing the benefits; any form of trust fund or endowment; lump-sum payments; and any other payment in money.
Independent Living
the ability to examine alternatives and make informed decisions and direct one's own life.
Individual Child Care Agreement (ICCA)
an agreement between the caregiver and the agency that the caregiver agrees to provide substitute care services for the agency on behalf of the child that the agency has custody or placement of.
Inherent Coping Ability
the natural ability to deal with something effectively.
Intensive Outpatient
a primary treatment program recommended in circumstances by a clinical and medical assessment.
Interactive Voice Response Unit (IVR)
telephone system that makes frequently requested child support information available to customers over touch-tone telephones.
Interested Individual
a court-ordered placement of a child with a non-blood relative where a relationship may have been established.
Intervention in Lieu of Conviction (ILC)
program in which an eligible offender charged with a low-level non-violent felony offense, who committed the offense due to drug or alcohol usage or mental illness or intellectual disability, has the opportunity to obtain a dismissal of the charge(s) after completing court.
IV-A (“four-a”)
a title of the social security act that makes frequently requested child support information available to customers over touch-tone telephones.
IV-D (“four-d”)
a title of the social security act relating to individuals that participate in child support or spousal support services that are available by application or through participation in other benefit programs which establish and enforce a child support obligation.
IV-E (Foster care) (“four-e”)
a title of the social security act which related to services for legal temporary custody of children through a Public Children's Services Agency on finding of probable or of actual finding of dependency, abuse, neglect and sometimes delinquency.
Journal Entry/Judgment Entry
a written document that is signed by a judge and contains a judge's order.
the official decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit.
the Child Support Agency with responsibility over all case actions of a child support case as a result of a court or administrative action originating in that county.
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment - Literacy (KRA-L)
administered by kindergarten teachers during the first three weeks of the fall term, implemented in public school districts beginning in 2007.
Kinship Care
placement of children in need of care with relatives, close family friends, or individuals with whom the child has a significant relationship, providers may provide care with little or no agency involvement, may assume legal guardianship of the children, become licensed foster parents, or may adopt the children.
court-awarded custody to an individual, however, this is not the same as permanent custody.
man recognized, by law, as the child's male parent.
a situation where an adoptive family cares for a child as a foster family because a motion for permanent custody has been filed which may make the child(ren) available for adoption. The adoptive family has an understanding that there is a risk that the permanent custody may not be granted.
Level of Care
the intensity of effort required to diagnose, treat, preserve or maintain an individual's physical or emotional status.
legal claim upon property to prevent sale or transfer until a debt is satisfied.
Liquid Assets
an asset that can be converted into cash in a short time, with little or no loss in value i.e. accounts receivable, demand and time deposits, etc.
Long Arm
a tribunal in Ohio exercising personal jurisdiction over a nonresident.
Long-term Homeless
households that are homeless or recently homeless with members who have been previously homeless for extended periods of time, and are faced with a situation or set of circumstances likely to cause the household to become homeless.
Lump Sum
usually a bonus check, court settlement, or any money received by the obligor over $150.00, but is not a regular paycheck.
Lump Sum Intercept
an amount of money to be paid to an employee, but interrupted by a CSEA to be applied to support and/or support arrears.
Lump Sum Judgment
a court may reduce a child support or spousal support arrearage to a lump-sum judgement. Once a lump-sum judgement has been obtained it may be enforced either by obtaining a lien or by using the income withholding enforcement tools.
cruel or violent treatment of a person.
Managed care plan (MCP)
provides a number of health care services, including well-child checkups and immunizations, dental care and treatment, vision care and eyeglasses, prescribed medicine, hospitalization and emergency care.
Mandatory Services
Ohio's medicaid program through its managed care plans includes services mandated by the federal government, i.e. transportation to medical appointments, medical and surgical dental services, medical and surgeons vision services, durable medical equipment and supplies, family planning services and supplies, etc.
Matching Conference
a structured decision making process to select the most appropriate family to be matched with the child; scheduled to discuss and determine which of the identified adoptive families can best meet the child's best interests and special needs.
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
Medicaid Expansion
expands eligibility to single individuals ages 19-65, without children and whose gross monthly income falls within 138 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, gross monthly income is used to determine eligibility.
Medicaid-Only Case
a low income or aged applicant/recipient receiving federal or state sponsored medical and hospital insurance benefits only (no cash assistance).
Medical Home
helps prevent illnesses, taking one's child to the same doctor for regular checkups, immunizations, sick visits throughout the year, having access to your child's records in one location.
Medical Support
the Child Support Agency shall secure and enforce the requirement for the medical insurance for all IV-D cases when coverage in available and reasonable or expected to become available.
Mentally or Physically Unfit
mentally or physically unqualified
Mistake of Fact Hearing
a hearing to determine if there was an error in a process (e.g., the amount of current or overdue support, medical order, or in the identity of the alleged absent parent, etc.).
a.k.a. adjustment & review: either party may request a hearing if they disagree with the modification findings & recommendations prepared by the OCSS, at the hearing the requesting party must produce evidence that an error was made in computing the Ohio Child Support Guidelines.
Modification Hearing
hearing conducted at the Office of Child Support Services to determine if there was an error in calculation of support during the review and adjustment process.
Motion to Show Cause
is a contempt charge filed in court when the Obligor fails to pay his/her monthly obligation for child support.
Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM)
process created by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) of 1996 by which delinquent child support obligations are matched with accounts held in financial institutions doing business with more than one state. States undertake actions to place a lien on and seize all or part of the account.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
an intensive family and community based treatment program that addresses all environments that impact high risk youth (homes, families, schools, teachers, neighborhoods, and friends).
National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
an electronic clearinghouse of crime data that can be tapped into by virtually every criminal justice agency nationwide.
National Medical Support Order (NMSN)
federally required from that all state IV-D child support agencies use to enforce medical support orders for children. It is required for all employment based insurance coverage and is generated and sent to employers in response to the New Hire Reporting process or through alternate means. It constitutes a Qualified Medical Child Support Order and meets other requirements.
North Central Ohio Regional Training Center
Neighborhood Family to Family Site
community sites which partner with our Children and Family Services division to work with birth families and to support foster families in area neighborhoods. In Cuyahoga County, they are referred to as Neighborhood Collaborative Partners.
Non-Custodial Parent
the parent who does not have legal custody of the child and who is responsible for payment of child support. Also referred to as non-residential parent or obligor or as the absent parent.
Non-IV-D Case
a case where the absent parent pays an administrative or court ordered support amount of the Child Support Agency which issues a check to the custodial parent, who has chosen not to complete a IV-D application and is not receiving OWF benefits. The Child Support Agency acts as a fiscal agent for disbursing those payments.
non-Public Children Services Agency
any person, including a state or political subdivision, to whom a duty of support is owed or a person, including a state or political subdivision, that has commenced proceedings for enforcement of actual or alleged duty of support or registration of foreign support order. The person who receives the support, also may be referred to as custodial or residential parent.
any person owing a duty of support or against whom proceedings for enforcement of a duty of support or a registration of support orders is commenced. The person ordered to pay support. Also may be referred to as non-custodial or non-residential parent.
Ohio Child Welfare Training Program
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Ohio Division of Job and Family Services.
Office of Child Support (OCS)
single state agency that has the responsibility for administration and supervision of the state plan of the IV-D program in Ohio.
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)
the federal office with the responsibility for the administration of the IV-D program.
Office Of Homeless Services (OHS)
coordinates a continuum of care of prevention, shelter services and permanent supportive housing intended to prevent and reduce homelessness.
Office of Reentry
is dedicated to remove the stigma and social burdens that challenge returning citizens by launching and sustaining a reentry movement that provides the full range of comprehensive services, support, and monitoring opportunities needed for a successful reintegration. 
Ohio Administrative Code (OAC)
procedural and regulatory rules which facilitate the implementation of Ohio law by governmental agencies.
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI&I)
the state's official crime lab serving the criminal justice community and protecting Ohio families.
Ohio Child Support Payment Central (OCSPC)
the state's centralized collection facility for all child support agencies in Ohio, all child support payments are collected and distributed through this location.
Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF)
funded by revenues from surcharges on birth and death certificates and divorce and dissolution decrees.
Ohio Department of Aging (ODA)
empowers seniors and adults with disabilities to age successfully by providing resources and support that preserve their independence.
Ohio Department of Youth Services (ODYS)
improve Ohio's future by rehabilitating youth and empowering families and communities.
Ohio revised code (ORC)
statutory and regulatory law of Ohio as opposed to court-mandated common law. ORC also confides in common law.
Ohio Works First (OWF)
time-limited cash assistance to eligible families through Ohio's Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.
On-going Training
is required in order to keep a foster home licensed and in good standing. 20 hours of training is required each year. The home is recertified every 2 years.
Optional Services
each managed care plan receives the option of providing these various services through the state of Ohio, i.e. ambulance, chiropractic services for children, community alcohol and drug addiction treatment, dental services, etc.
Parent Locator Service
a computerized location network operated by the Federal Office of Child Support (FPLS).
the process by which the gather of a child is definitively and legally identifies.
Paternity Affidavit
a document used by both parents to establish paternity at their local hospital, local registrar or the Child Support Agency, filed with the Central Paternity Registry.
Paternity Establishment
a legal documentation of a child's biological father.
an individual or entity making payments or distributing income to a person.
Private Child Placing Agency
Positive Education Program
Permanency Planning
a comprehensive case-planning process directed toward achieving the goal of permanence for children. It includes a range of activities directed toward ensuring that the children have permanent families who can provide them with nurturance and protection. Permanency outcomes include reunification with birth parents, legal custody transferred to kin, or adoption.
Permanent Supportive Housing
affordable rental housing that includes services which support residents in improving quality of life.
a person or organization seeking to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent.
Physical abuse
an act inflicted against a child.
Post-Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS)
provides financial assistance for identifies medical or psychological services not covered by any other program.
Postal Verification
verification by the U.S. Post Office of an address.
adoption subsidies are available for most children with special needs or circumstances.
once a prospective match is made, a plan is developed consisting of visitation dates for the child(ren) and family.
Pretrial Detention
detaining of an accused person in a criminal case before the trial has taken place, either because of a failure to post bail or due to denial of release under a pre-trial detention statute.
Prevention, Retention & Contingency (PRC) Program
provides aid and services due to unexpected emergencies.
Primary Prevention
activities or services designed to prevent or reduce the prevalence of child abuse and neglect by educating the public, strengthening families, or influence policy issues.
Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
program within the U.S. that provide comprehensive health services for individuals age 55 and over who are sufficiently frail to be categorized as "nursing home eligible" by their state's Medicaid program.
Psychotropic Medication(s)
mood stabilizers typically used to treat intense, repeated shifts in a person's mood. Common for bipolar, schizophrenia, or personality disorders.
Public Assistance
programs that provide assistance to families such as, OWF; Ohio Works First.
Purple Umbrella
a task force to improve collaboration among CCDCFS, adult serving agencies, faith-based community groups and the business community to better meet the needs of youth who have aged out of foster care.
Putative Father
a person who has been named as the father of a child born out of wedlock, but for whom paternity has not been established. 
a person who has re-entered society from jail or prison.
Reentry and Reintegration Program (REEP)
provides intensive programming and supervision to eligible offenders by preparing case plans that center on the specific offender's needs such as education, employment, housing, substance abuse and mental health treatment.
Reentry Efficiency/Effectiveness
efficiently and effectively assisting people in reentering in society.
a sum of money sent, especially by mail, in payment for goods or services or as a gift.
Request for Proposals
project funding announcement posted by a business or organization for which companies can place bids to complete the project.
Residential/Non-Residential Parent
a.k.a. custodial/non-custodial parent.
Resource Manager (FHRM)
an experienced social worker/adoption assessor who manages licensed foster/approved adoptive homes. They may act as a mentor, advocate, educator, coach and supporter.
Resource Specialist
provides information and assistance to families who reside in their community.
Review and Adjustment
the act of re-examining a support order for possible changes to the support amount and medical coverage, also known as modification.
State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy
Scenarios USA
national non-profit organization that gives teens the reins to create their own media on issues that shape their lives, such as HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, peer-pressure, communication, drug/alcohol use, violence and self-esteem.
Secondary Prevention
activities or services targeted at special populations at risk of abuse and neglect.
Senior Citizen Tax Credit
a federal tax credit that can be applied to your tax returns if you are a senior and meet certain income requirements.
Service Coordination
 is a navigation process designed to direct parents with children, prenatal through graduation, to appropriate services. It directs parents to a full scale of quality services for their children, particularly kids who are having a tough time, and are having difficulties with the traditional service system.
Service of Process
the procedure used to give legal notice to a person of a court or administrative body's exercise of its jurisdiction over that person, as to enable that person to respond to the proceeding before the court, body, or other tribunal. Usually, notice is furnished by delivering a set of court documents (called "process") to the person to be served.
SETS Case Number
10 digit number assigned to support cases during the conversion to SETS and all new cases, always begins with a seven.
Sexual Abuse
an sexual activity involving children who are not of the age or developmental capacity to consent to such activity. This includes verbal sexual harassment, fondling of sexual organs, penile or digital penetration, pornography, and exposing a child to sexualized objects and/or materials.
Shared/Child Well-Being Plan
highlight priorities for meeting needs and making life better for children and families.
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely goals.
Sobriety, Treatment and Recovery Teams (START)
provides specialized interventions to families referred to the child welfare system who have confirmed chemical dependency problems.
Social Capital
the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.
Specialized Medicaid Benefit Center (SMBC)
a service center within Cuyahoga County Department of Employment and Family Services that provides Medicaid and other benefits to individuals throughout Cuyahoga County.
Spousal Support
an order established for the support of a former spouse that is issued by a court.
State Disbursement Unit (SDU)
the single site in each state where all child support payments are processed.
State Hearing
when an action is taken by an agency and the application/recipient disagrees with that actions, he/she may request a state hearing. The state hearing officer decides whether the action is appropriate and what the outcome will be.
Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)
a five-star quality rating and improvement system administered by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services; recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meet quality program standards that exceed licensing health and safety regulations.
Students Promoting Action, Responsibility, and Knowledge (SPARK)
free in-home program for 3 and 4 year olds to help children learn and practice skills they will need to be successful in kindergarten.
Sudden Infant Deah Syndrome (SIDS)
sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than one year of age.
Supplemental Food Assistance (SNAP) Program
helps you to buy food for your family. It is designed to raise nutritional levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.
Support Enforcement Tracking System (SETS)
statewide computer system used by all the child support agencies in the State of Ohio.
Support Officer
person responsible for monitoring and managing a child support or spousal support.
Support Order
an order (either court or administrative) for a parent to pay a specific amount of money in support of minor children.
Supportive Services
a coordinated system of services designed to help maintain the independence of a ward or a disabled people.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Tax Offset
may be done by either by the Internal Revenue Service or the Ohio Department of Taxation or both. The interception of tax refunds of non-custodial parents to offset support arrears.
Teen Advocate Group Youth Council (TAGyc)
provides teens more choices for successful living by increasing communication between teen and worker and empowering teens to speak up and out about their experiences.
Text Telephone (TTY)
typically used by those who have trouble hearing.
Transitional Housing
a type of living situation that is transitional, the purpose of transitional housing include transitioning from jail or prison, an addiction treatment center or mental health facility.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
the goal is to help address the biopsychosocial needs of children, with PTSD or other problems related to traumatic life experiences, and their parents or primary caregivers.
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA)
replaces URESA and is a Model Act that all states were required to adopt verbatim. It is used to enforce and manage interstate child support cases.
Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (URESA)
replaced by UIFSA.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Voluntary Payments
payments made on a case prior to an order being established/received.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Programs
help low-income, working families make their way through the tax code, claiming the full amount of any tax refund for which they are qualified.
Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA)
planned and coordinated community based services for persons 60 years and older living in Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, and Cuyahoga counties.
Withholding Income
a mandatory deduction taken directly from an obligor's wages to satisfy a support obligation.
Workforce Opportunity Resource Center (WORC)
a collaboration with local community partners, in the creation of job growth and opportunities for all Cuyahoga residents.
Youth Advocacy & Leadership Coalition (YALC)
is a civic leadership program for youth ages 13-18 in Cuyahoga County. The YALC develops young adult leaders by training and supporting them in advocating for youth issues and links them to their communities through service learning experiences.
Youth Permanency
work with teens and young adults before and after they leave out care to ensure they have permanent supportive relationships and a plan to transition to independence, connect them with educations opportunities, life skills, public benefits and community resources to help them become successful adults.

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