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COVID-19 Impact on Child Support and Stimulus Payments


Thousands of parents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic may face lost jobs orhand-838975_1920 reduced income. This can be a financial loss for two households. However, the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) wants you to know there are steps you can take and information you should know to help navigate the child support process and any necessary changes.

Submitting Payment and/or Paperwork

The Office of Child Support Services lobby is partially closed to the public except for genetic testing appointments and document/payment drop off. Clients can use drop boxes in the Virgil E. Brown Building – Superior Avenue entryway between 9am and 4pm to:

  • Return any paperwork in our documents drop box
  • Submit check or money orders only in our payment drop box

In addition, please consider the following alternative ways to pay your monthly child support payment:
  • Income withholding,
  • mail,
  • credit card,
  • checking account debit,
  • and MoneyGram.

For details, visit our website.

Unemployed and/or unable to pay

If you are unable to pay child support because of a change in your employment status, it is important to notify OCSS. Under certain conditions, you may request an Administrative Review of your child support case to possibly modify the child support obligation amount. If you receive unemployment compensation, deductions will continue towards your child support obligations. The amount may vary based on the benefit amount and whether you are behind on payments.

Note, when applying for benefits, you should affirm that you make child support payments, but it is not necessary to provide specific information (order number, case number or weekly amount).

Economic Impact Payments

Economic Impact Payments may be subject to child support deductions. The CARES law that authorized the issuance of stimulus checks does not exempt stimulus checks from being intercepted to pay past due child support because of a financial hardship. The IRS may intercept the entire amount of your stimulus check to pay past due child support obligations. Visit the Ohio Child Support website for more details. If you receive a joint stimulus check with your spouse and only the spouse owes the child support debt, you may file an injured spouse form with the IRS. Please visit the IRS website about Form 8379 to file your claim.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing has resumed by appointment. You can submit an appointment request by email or telephone. Appointment requests will receive responses within 24 business hours.

To schedule an appointment call or email:
Contacting the Office of Child Support Services

You may reach an OCSS representative between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday by calling our Contact Center at 216-443-5100. You can also access the Child Support Customer Service Web Portal or email

Fatherhood Initiative Services are also available by phone call: 216-348-3967

Administrative Hearings

Administrative hearings will be held over the phone. The hearing officer will call you at your scheduled hearing time. If you do not hear from us within 15-20 minutes of your scheduled hearing time, please call 216-443-5234.

Documents required for an administrative hearing should be submitted to the following email address prior to the hearing, Please include your name and/or case number when sending an email so that your information may be routed to the appropriate hearing officer.

For answers to more of the frequently asked questions about child support visit the OCSS website or call 216-443-5100 for help.