Access Cold Weather Safety Resources


June 2009
young woman standing and smiling

Joyce is a young lady that is full of energy and commands a room. Joyce is encouraging and likes to make sure that those around her are having as much fun as possible. She is often look to as a leader in her current foster home. Joyce enjoys writing poems and literature. Joyce is very funny she often considers herself as a jokester.

Joyce enjoys listening to music, spending time talking on the phone, outings, and playing sports such as Track and Field, Soft Ball and Volleyball. Her aspirations are to attend college when she is finished with High School.

The family who accepts Joyce into their home should be patient and consistent. The family should also have the desire to help Joyce meet her true potential. Joyce also needs a family who is willing to maintain contact with extended family members.  

Are you that family? 

Agency: Cuyahoga County DCFS
Contact: Catherine Borden, Jennifer Burnett
Telephone: 216-881-4038, 216-881-4064

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